Slow issue fixed?

Yeah mine are all currently groups - controlled by motion sensors.
I am trying a test moving from ML to SL to see if theres a difference there also - but I installed cocohue in prep to try that out next.

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There is one, but it is slight. Not worth all of the flexibility you give up in my opinion. I have around 10 ML rules and they all fire instantly.

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That doesn't show the routing table.
It's only one particular view.
If you want to see the routing table get a XBEE.

yeah - the SL rule is running the same as the ML rule ive seen. Same sleep/delay then firing back as usual.

Maybe this is something @bravenel can look into? I don't think this would harm the hub that much, but its definitely better in the long run.

the annoying part with this slowness is it seems to just be isolated to motion sensors.
I have a hue 4 button zigbee controller and they turn on instantly with that, if I call alexa to turn on or off the lights - instantly or if I do it from the dashboard they are instant.
It just seems to be initial zigbee motion sensors and the gap between when they detect and when the light actually turns on.

Really? My zigbee motion sensors are exponentially faster than my z-wave ones. What are you using for lighting control? Rule Machine? How many hubs are you running?

  1. Motion Lighting
  2. Hue Bridge/Yeelights
  3. 1 hub.

Try putting your individual lights into ML instead of the group. Groups are very slow to respond in my experience. I can say CoCo Hue is very, VERY fast.

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why are groups slower, that makes no sense.

my slow downs are getting worse and worse actually.
opened the door at 7:45:29 - rule is to fire on door open, lights finally turn on at 7:45:41... 12 seconds wait... @bravenel / @bobbyD what can I do to try and fix this ???
This is a ST contact sensor to a trio of yeelights in a group called hallway lights.

2020-03-11 (1)

Do you do daily reboots ?

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I have had similar issues, even longer. A daily reboot helps but still there are times when I have similar issues. Any errors in your logs? You seem to have a warning. Maybe that's causing the problem...

the warning is for a zone motion controller saying that 1 out of 2 zones fired so the rule didnt fire.
I dont do daily reboots - I dont want to do daily reboots.

Out of curiosity, have you checked to see if you have CRC errors on the port the hub is connected to?

I read that post earlier with interest. But I don't know what that is or how to check for it to be honest...

Most routers and managed switches will have this displayed in the status pages. Not all consumer models do, but many. High-end consumer models basically all have it.

Ah I see. I will have to check that and see if it's available on the routers at my places (I doubt it knowing the cheap sh1tty routers the providers give out here).

The ISP ones very often don't have that (or any other important features I may need). This is why I place a high-end one inside it. I wouldn't trust the security of the ISP one anyway...

Yeah, I had to do that already at one property because the router 3BB provided didn't even allow fixed IP addresses to be set up. So a friend of mine set up another router I had from Singapore, linked to the original which has the fibre coming into it, that now let's me reserve the IPs. I will have to check if it records these errors. Thanks!

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