Sisyphus Table

I don’t see any threads about Sisyphus table. I have one and it runs on a pi and I can easily connect to it's IP.

I don't know anything else about connecting via SSH (well, at least without a specific set of steps). From their community, I can tell other people are connecting via SSH, I just don't know how to do that with hubitat in the middle.

Is it as simple as sending requests to that IP? Should I create a virtual device to act as a handler? I'm not looking for full functionality. If I can just hook it up to an RGBW+ Effects driver and get basic lighting functionality, that's all I need.

Can somebody help fill in the gaps to make this work? I feel like I have all the pieces.

Maybe, I can entice some help with some pretty pictures of said table:

Don't you want to help me control this in HE?

I'm not sure what you would expect HE to do with one of these devices but the first steps are to get the password from them and then learn how to ssh into a pi , There is plenty of instructions for ssh but it's just the first part of a larger journey. It could be a lot of work even if you do know what to do.

I already contacted them and I have the login and password info. I just don't know what to do with it lol.

The only thing I want to do with it is control the lighting through hubitat. At certain times, I want to change the lighting/set level automatically. Thats the only functionality I'm looking to control.

8am set lights to rainbow and 'x' level
5pm decrease level to 5%
945 p change color to red and 1%

Maybe control the lights with a motion sensor if im feeling wild.

Is there a thread that will give me basic/universal SSH instructions for talking to a pi?

It looks like there is a Home Assistant integration... maybe you could install HA on an RPI and use the HA-HE bridge or MQTT to handle the connection to HE?

edit: BTW that looks like a very nifty product!!!!

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good find @erktrek. That is the simplest way. Of course you'd have to install homeassistant on another computer (pi), no small task. If it were me I'd just go from the Sisyphus to my MQTT broker and skip homeassistant.


Actually installing HA is very easy unfortunately - you have to install a pre-built image, You can no longer do it from the CLI. I have one running to test various integrations. A VM would work as well.

edit: I say "unfortunately" because I generally like to get in and mess around with things and have different stuff running on the same server. I do understand why they are doing this though.

Well, lucky for me I have a whole box of hubs and I have an instance of HA still running simply because the ecobee integration was such a pain, I couldn't bring myself to delete HA in case I ever needed it as a fall back. I dont have anything against HA, it just didn't work for me because their tp link integration isn't as mature and that's 75% of my smarthome.

Oh wow, this controls everything I want!

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I haven't looked at this device at all but I suspect getting the device imported into HE via MQTT will be difficult as there won't be a suitable 'virtual' device in HE.

Now with the MQTT integration it is possible to get any topic (as long as it is not nested json) linked with a HE device so you might be able to create several devices to represent the table.

However ... maybe you could look at this the other way around if you do use HA. Create a virtual device in HA that is linked to a real device (switch, dimmer or color bulb) in HE asnd use the HE devices to trigger a change that is handled in HA that can talk to the table internally. So a HE to HA link.


Hey everyone,

Thanks for all the great ideas and suggestions on how to connect to my table.

I have not forgotten about this and I didn't just ask for feedback and run.

I've been presented with two solutions and I still don't know which one is best

This one is the easiest looking solution however, there's a learning curve because I've we never used MQTT. That doesn't mean I can't, it just means I've spent some time already looking into this as a solution and at a glance, I certainly don't yet see how I can use this (but it did give me an idea to bridge the gap on my NEXX Garage). I did what I thought was set up an MQTT virtual device configured with the ip, port, username, password and topic but I was hitting a wall and it was too late to research. I'm certain it's something I've done wrong in my haste to put it together. I will need to spend additional time looking into this solution (time I was trying to spend today) by this weekend.

Option 2 is the HA route and connect that to HE. Definitely not my first choice but also not impossible.

It's only easy if you have the needed skills. Ssh is the simplest of the needed skills. It's all uphill from there. Fun, but uphill.

Sisyphus can releate (well it really wasn't fun for him)


Meme GIF by The BarkPost

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With HA it seems like a simple thing to install and test. The trick is getting it into Hubitat. Maybe you can leave most of the logic in HA and only kick things off with a set of virtual switches or something.

I've successfully SSH'd to the table and I've gone down the rabbit hole that was the pre-cursor to the HA integration:

There's a finite number of commands and I'm sure I can rig something up to where it will give me basic functionality in HE/Webcore without having to use HA. At least that's what I'm telling myself as I embark on this journey.

More research and testing with the help of the attached thread should get me further along. I'm already stoked that I've gotten this far and I've done nothing but connect and change a setting lol.

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Based on a quick scan of the python code, I too believe you may be able to drive the table from Rule Machine/Webcore, Probably REST instead of websocket .

Congratulations on getting so far, so fast.


I got it on HA. Now I'm about to pass it to home assistant bridge.

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