I bought the VA4220ZB Gen2 with FS4220 so I could remotely check in on water flow and remotely close the water main when necessary.
This all works pretty well until my water softener cycles and the valve automatically closes. Before purchasing, my research implied this automatic leak detection functionality could be turned off - and it looks like it's possible with their hub and Neviweb app, just not with the built-in Hubitat driver.
Specifically... this line
Cluster Attributes Atribute decimal Data type Fonction Value Access
0xff01 0x0253 595 t.bitmap16 abnormal_flow_action 0x0000= do nothing, 0x0001=send alert, 0x0003= close and send alert
What I'm looking for is either "do nothing" or just "send alert" (assuming such alerts are surfaced in Hubitat)
What are the chances of this feature being added to the Hubitat driver?
I can add a preference to set that attribute value, though there isn't a built in capability that really matches the send alert feature.
I'm assuming that the default setting in the device is close and send alert?
Given the alert is momentary, using WaterSensor (wet/dry) doesn't really work unless the driver sets the attribute to dry immediately after sending wet on alarm receipt?
Maybe that works, comments?
Thanks for responding Mike, adding that attribute would be perfect.
I can only guess on the default setting based on my observation because it's closing on it's own. Since the attribute is read/write it would be interesting to see what mine says it's set to now. Is there a way for me to get a dump of attribute values now?
The alert is unimportant to me so if it doesn't result in some kind of event I'm not too worried about it. More important is being able to set "do nothing".
Another interesting read/write attribute would be...
Cluster Attributes Atribute decimal Data type Fonction Value Access
0xff01 0x0252 594 t.uint32_t abnormal_flow_duration seconds ,900 (15 min) to 86400 (24hr)
In the Neviweb app it's possible to tune the duration before it triggers the abnormal flow detection, so with this attribute it would then be possible to keep the functionality and just tune out my water softener.
Anyway, whatever you can do to help I'm happy to test it out! Just let me know how I can help.
Side note for other Sinope owners, there is a hardware switch with 3 positions I had trouble finding info on.
"In Β« Leak Supervisor Β» mode, the leak detectors (not included) send a closing signal to the valve to automatically shut off the main water supply as soon as a leak is detected."
I was hoping position 2 would also disable abnormal flow detection but it does not.
Just getting a dry-to-wet transition is enough to trigger HSM or other apps, so that would work.
That indeed would be great, would avoid some false positives.
These settings exist because Sedna valves are designed to work as a system without the need for a Zigbee coordinator. My guess is option 1 is for the master valve and 2 for the slaves.
There isnβt currently a way to query Zigbee attributes but Iβm going to add this function to the utility driver "Device", as a similar function exists for ZWave devices. I will look at the other options that you suggested
If you're feeling adventurous, you could try temporarily changing the driver to this one. You'll need to use the B02 Everte Statum command (which you can subsequently check with B01 Accio).
@hubitrep thanks! Worked perfectly, I've reconnected the flow sensor. Once I see the characteristics of the softener cycle I'll try tuning the abnormal flow time and turn detection back on.