[DEV] Knockturn Alley

Warning: This driver is useless to non-developers as it cannot actually control any smart device. Moreover, some functions are quite chatty and might upset your Zigbee mesh.

Here is a small driver I use for discovering functionalities of new Zigbee devices. I still have some ideas of what to add to it in the future, but I would love to get your take on it.

PS: Harry Potter fans might find the naming convention mildly amusing. For grownups, or otherwise sane folks out there, I apologize in advance :slight_smile:

Have fun!


Great job again, Dan!

I will surely learn and use the spells! :magic_wand:


Released version 1.1.0 with the following changes:

  • Add the Imperio spell to help you update Zigbee attributes value. You can now fight back and do some real damage to your devices!
  • Scourgify has now the option to remove or keep the raw data

Have fun!


Released version 1.2.0 with the following changes:

  • Add Bombarda spell to execute Zigbee cluster commands
  • Legilimens spell now also discovers all commands that each cluster can receive

Have fun!


Here's the result of casting the Legilimens and Scourgify spells toward IKEA ASKVADER on/off switch :

ASKVADER on/off switch

I can't find a better way to copy the results other than as a screenshot.... :frowning: Is any magic available for that? :slight_smile:

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That looks nice :slight_smile: I think it contains enough info so you can start writing a driver for it!

  • You can cast Imperio (endpoint:0x01, cluster:0x0003, attribute:0x0000, type:0x21, value:000A) to write value 10 into the Identify Time attribute of the Identify Cluster. The device should react to this by blinking the LED light for 10 (000A) seconds.

  • You can cast Bombarda (endpoint:0x01, cluster:0x0006, command:0x02, no payload) to trigger the Toggle command of the On/Off Cluster.

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This is a rather standard device, I like much more tough challenges .. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am still searching for a way to obtain the VINDSTYRKA Air Quality tVOC 'tendency', as may be eventually reported by the sensor itself (it's shown with an arrow on the LCD display - increasing/no change/ decreasing).

Will need the manufacturer's code [mfgCode: 0x117c] added to the Accio, Imperio, and Bombarda spells ... Can you add this optional ingredient (mfgCode) to the spells?

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No idea how to use it (not a Dev) but can tell by @kkossev's reaction that it is very cool. Congrats on the great work.


I will look into this. Thank you for the feedback!


Wow, this is way above my skill level, but dam this should make creating drivers so much easier. I know just enough to cause some damage. I'll load this on my dev hub and see if I can learn some stuff.

Thank You Dan, it's incredibly smart people like yourself that make Hubitat so much better.


Released version 1.3.0 with the following changes:

  • Add option to specify manufacturer code when handling Zigbee attributes and when executing Zigbee commands
  • Change / shuffle some spell names

Happy hacking!


Released version 1.4.0 with the following changes:

  • Legilimens spell now also gathers data from "Node Descriptor" and "Node Power Descriptor"
  • Translate attribute hex values to friendly representations for some known attributes (e.g. Power On Behavior, Temperature, Relative Humidity, etc.)
Screenshot for IKEA Tradfri Control Outlet (E1603)

Happy hacking!


Released version 1.5.0 with the following changes:

  • Legilimens spell now also gathers data from Neighbors Table (LQI), Routing Table and Bindings Table
Screenshot for IKEA Askvader On/Off Switch (E1836)

Happy hacking!

1 Like

Released version 1.6.0 with the following change:

  • Add Oppugno spell to configure attribute reporting

For example, this Oppugno invocation is instructing the device (e.g. a smart plug) to report its On/Off status at least once every hour:


Happy hacking!

1 Like

Released version 2.0.0 with the following change:

  • The generated report is now text only (no pretty HTML anymore). The good part is that you can now share it using copy/paste.
New report example
Node Descriptor
▸ Logical Type                              = Zigbee Router
▸ Complex Descriptor Available              = No
▸ User Descriptor Available                 = No
▸ Frequency Band                            = 2400 - 2483.5 MHz
▸ Alternate PAN Coordinator                 = No
▸ Device Type                               = Full Function Device (FFD)
▸ Mains Power Source                        = Yes
▸ Receiver On When Idle                     = Yes (always on)
▸ Security Capability                       = No
▸ Allocate Address                          = Yes
▸ Manufacturer Code                         = 0x117C = IKEA
▸ Maximum Buffer Size                       = 82 bytes
▸ Maximum Incoming Transfer Size            = 82 bytes
▸ Primary Trust Center                      = No
▸ Backup Trust Center                       = No
▸ Primary Binding Table Cache               = Yes
▸ Backup Binding Table Cache                = No
▸ Primary Discovery Cache                   = Yes
▸ Backup Discovery Cache                    = Yes
▸ Network Manager                           = Yes
▸ Maximum Outgoing Transfer Size            = 82 bytes
▸ Extended Active Endpoint List Available   = No
▸ Extended Simple Descriptor List Available = No
Power Descriptor
▸ Current Power Mode         = Same as "Receiver On When Idle" from "Node Descriptor" section above
▸ Available Power Sources    = [Constant (mains) power]
▸ Current Power Sources      = [Constant (mains) power]
▸ Current Power Source Level = 100%
Endpoint 0x01 | Out Clusters: 0x0019 (OTA Upgrade Cluster)
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0000 (Basic Cluster)
▸ 0x0000 | ZCL Version          | req | r-- | uint8  | 03                        | --
▸ 0x0001 | Application Version  | opt | r-- | uint8  | 10                        | --
▸ 0x0002 | Stack Version        | opt | r-- | uint8  | 67                        | --
▸ 0x0003 | HW Version           | opt | r-- | uint8  | 01                        | --
▸ 0x0004 | Manufacturer Name    | opt | r-- | string | IKEA of Sweden            | --
▸ 0x0005 | Model Identifier     | opt | r-- | string | ASKVADER on/off switch    | --
▸ 0x0006 | Date Code            | req | r-- | string | 20200807                  | --
▸ 0x0007 | Power Source         | opt | r-- | enum8  | 01 = Mains (single phase) | --
▸ 0x0008 | Generic Device Class | opt | r-- | enum8  | 00                        | --
▸ 0x0009 | Generic Device Type  | opt | r-- | enum8  | 05 = LED Bulb             | --
▸ 0x000A | Product Code         | opt | r-- | octstr | 4531383336 = E1836        | --
▸ 0x000B | Product URL          | opt | r-- | string | www.ikea.com              | --
▸ 0x4000 | SW Build ID          | opt | r-- | string | 1.0.002                   | --
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision     | req | r-- | uint16 | 0002                      | --
▸ 0x00 | Reset to Factory Defaults | opt
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0003 (Identify Cluster)
▸ 0x0000 | Identify Time    | req | rw- | uint16 | 0000 = 0 seconds | --
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision | req | r-- | uint16 | 0001             | --
▸ 0x00 | Identify       | req
▸ 0x01 | Identify Query | req
▸ 0x40 | Trigger Effect | opt
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0004 (Groups Cluster)
▸ 0x0000 | Name Support     | req | r-- | map8   | 00   | --
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision | req | r-- | uint16 | 0002 | --
▸ 0x00 | Add Group                | req
▸ 0x01 | View Group               | req
▸ 0x02 | Get Group Membership     | req
▸ 0x03 | Remove Group             | req
▸ 0x04 | Remove All Groups        | req
▸ 0x05 | Add Group If Identifying | req
▸ 0x41 | --                       | -- 
▸ 0x42 | --                       | -- 
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0005 (Scenes Cluster)
▸ 0x0000 | Scene Count      | req | r-- | uint8  | 00         | --
▸ 0x0001 | Current Scene    | req | r-- | uint8  | 00         | --
▸ 0x0002 | Current Group    | req | r-- | uint16 | 0000       | --
▸ 0x0003 | Scene Valid      | req | r-- | bool   | 00 = False | --
▸ 0x0004 | Name Support     | req | r-- | map8   | 00         | --
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision | req | r-- | uint16 | 0002       | --
▸ 0x00 | Add Scene            | req
▸ 0x01 | View Scene           | req
▸ 0x02 | Remove Scene         | req
▸ 0x03 | Remove All Scenes    | req
▸ 0x04 | Store Scene          | req
▸ 0x05 | Recall Scene         | req
▸ 0x06 | Get Scene Membership | req
▸ 0x40 | Enhanced Add Scene   | opt
▸ 0x41 | Enhanced View Scene  | opt
▸ 0x42 | Copy Scene           | opt
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0006 (On/Off Cluster)
▸ 0x0000 | On Off               | req | r-p | bool   | 00 = Off                    | --
▸ 0x4000 | Global Scene Control | opt | r-- | bool   | 01 = True                   | --
▸ 0x4001 | On Time              | opt | rw- | uint16 | 0000 = 0 seconds            | --
▸ 0x4002 | Off Wait Time        | opt | rw- | uint16 | 0000 = 0 seconds            | --
▸ 0x4003 | Power On Behavior    | opt | rw- | enum8  | FF = Restore previous state | --
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision     | req | r-- | uint16 | 0002                        | --
▸ 0x00 | Off                         | req
▸ 0x01 | On                          | req
▸ 0x02 | Toggle                      | req
▸ 0x40 | Off With Effect             | opt
▸ 0x41 | On With Recall Global Scene | opt
▸ 0x42 | On With Timed Off           | opt
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0008 (Level Control Cluster)
▸ 0x0000 | Current Level          | req | r-p | uint8  | FE = 100%        | --
▸ 0x0001 | Remaining Time         | opt | r-- | uint16 | 0000 = 0 seconds | --
▸ 0x000F | --                     | --  | --  | map8   | 00               | --
▸ 0x0010 | On Off Transition Time | opt | rw- | uint16 | 0000 = 0 seconds | --
▸ 0x0011 | On Level               | opt | rw- | uint8  | FE = 100%        | --
▸ 0x4000 | StartUp Current Level  | opt | rw- | uint8  | FF               | --
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision       | req | r-- | uint16 | 0002             | --
▸ 0x00 | Move To Level             | req
▸ 0x01 | Move                      | req
▸ 0x02 | Step                      | req
▸ 0x03 | Stop                      | req
▸ 0x04 | Move To Level With On/Off | req
▸ 0x05 | Move With On/Off          | req
▸ 0x06 | Step With On/Off          | req
▸ 0x07 | Stop                      | req
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x1000 (ZLL/Touchlink Commissioning Cluster)
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision | req | r-- | uint16 | 0002 | --
▸ 0x41 | Get Group Identifiers | opt
▸ 0x42 | Get Endpoint List     | opt
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0xFC57 (Unknown Cluster)
▸ No attributes found
▸ No commands found
Endpoint 0xF2 | Out Clusters: 0x0021 (Green Power Cluster)
Endpoint 0xF2 | In Cluster: 0x0021 (Green Power Cluster)
▸ No attributes found
▸ No commands found
Neighbors Table
▸ Addr:0000 | Type:Zigbee Coordinator | RxOnWhenIdle:Yes | Rel:Sibling | Depth:0  | LQI:209
▸ Addr:164A | Type:Zigbee Router      | RxOnWhenIdle:Yes | Rel:Parent  | Depth:15 | LQI:230
▸ Addr:1764 | Type:Zigbee Router      | RxOnWhenIdle:Yes | Rel:Sibling | Depth:15 | LQI:100
Routing Table
▸ Destination:0000 | Next Hop:0000 | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:47C9 | Next Hop:B31F | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:164A | Next Hop:164A | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:2CFB | Next Hop:164A | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:EEED | Next Hop:164A | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:28F7 | Next Hop:164A | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:9831 | Next Hop:164A | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:1E58 | Next Hop:B31F | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:B84F | Next Hop:B84F | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:1764 | Next Hop:1764 | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:B470 | Next Hop:164A | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:56AD | Next Hop:56AD | Route Status:Active  
▸ Destination:0000 | Next Hop:0000 | Route Status:Inactive
▸ Destination:0000 | Next Hop:0000 | Route Status:Inactive
▸ Destination:0000 | Next Hop:0000 | Route Status:Inactive
Bindings Table
▸ Src:680AE2FFFE68E036 | Endpoint:0x01 | Cluster:0x0006 | Dest:000D6F0010D6F00 | Endpoint:0x01

Happy hacking!

1 Like

Released version 2.1.0 with the following changes:

  • Legilimens spell now also discovers attributes and commands for a specific manufacturer
  • Add Revelio spell to retrieve data from Neighbors Table (LQI), Routing Table and Bindings Table
  • Add Unbreakable Vow spell to add/remove entries to/from the Bindings Table
Manufacturer specific attributes and commands for PhilipsWall Switch Module (RDM001)
Node Descriptor
▸ Logical Type                              = Zigbee End Device (ZED)
▸ Complex Descriptor Available              = No
▸ User Descriptor Available                 = No
▸ Frequency Band                            = 2400 - 2483.5 MHz
▸ Alternate PAN Coordinator                 = No
▸ Device Type                               = Reduced Function Device (RFD)
▸ Mains Power Source                        = No
▸ Receiver On When Idle                     = No (conserve power during idle periods)
▸ Security Capability                       = No
▸ Allocate Address                          = Yes
▸ Manufacturer Code                         = 0x100B = PHILIPS
▸ Maximum Buffer Size                       = 82 bytes
▸ Maximum Incoming Transfer Size            = 82 bytes
▸ Primary Trust Center                      = No
▸ Backup Trust Center                       = No
▸ Primary Binding Table Cache               = Yes
▸ Backup Binding Table Cache                = No
▸ Primary Discovery Cache                   = Yes
▸ Backup Discovery Cache                    = Yes
▸ Network Manager                           = Yes
▸ Maximum Outgoing Transfer Size            = 82 bytes
▸ Extended Active Endpoint List Available   = No
▸ Extended Simple Descriptor List Available = No
Power Descriptor
▸ Current Power Mode         = Same as "Receiver On When Idle" from "Node Descriptor" section above
▸ Available Power Sources    = [Constant (mains) power]
▸ Current Power Sources      = [Constant (mains) power]
▸ Current Power Source Level = 100%
Endpoint 0x01 | Out Clusters: 0x0003 (Identify Cluster), 0x0004 (Groups Cluster), 0x0006 (On/Off Cluster), 0x0008 (Level Control Cluster), 0x0019 (OTA Upgrade Cluster)
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0000 (Basic Cluster)
▸ 0x0000 | ZCL Version          | req | r-- | uint8  | 02                                               | --
▸ 0x0001 | Application Version  | opt | r-- | uint8  | 09                                               | --
▸ 0x0002 | Stack Version        | opt | r-- | uint8  | 02                                               | --
▸ 0x0003 | HW Version           | opt | r-- | uint8  | 03                                               | --
▸ 0x0004 | Manufacturer Name    | opt | r-- | string | Signify Netherlands B.V.                         | --
▸ 0x0005 | Model Identifier     | opt | r-- | string | RDM001                                           | --
▸ 0x0006 | Date Code            | req | r-- | string | 20210504                                         | --
▸ 0x0007 | Power Source         | opt | r-- | enum8  | 03 = Battery                                     | --
▸ 0x0008 | Generic Device Class | opt | r-- | enum8  | FF                                               | --
▸ 0x0009 | Generic Device Type  | opt | r-- | enum8  | E1 = Wall Switch                                 | --
▸ 0x000A | Product Code         | opt | r-- | octstr | 52444D3030312D44534D4E43437631 = RDM001-DSMNCCv1 | --
▸ 0x000B | Product URL          | opt | r-- | string | https://www.philips-hue.com                      | --
▸ 0x0011 | Physical Environment | opt | rw- | enum8  | 00                                               | --
▸ 0_0020 | --                   | --  | r-- | string | 5: SW:RBT                                        | --
▸ 0_0021 | --                   | --  | r-- | uint32 | 0000F2A3                                         | --
▸ 0_0030 | --                   | --  | r-- | enum8  | 01                                               | --
▸ 0_0031 | --                   | --  | rw- | map16  | 0000                                             | --
▸ 0_0034 | --                   | --  | rw- | enum8  | 02                                               | --
▸ 0x4000 | SW Build ID          | opt | r-- | string | 1.0.5                                            | --
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision     | req | r-- | uint16 | 0001                                             | --
▸ No commands found
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0001 (Power Configuration Cluster)
▸ 0x0020 | Battery Voltage              | opt | r-- | uint8  | 19 = 2500mV        | --      
▸ 0x0021 | Battery Percentage Remaining | opt | r-p | uint8  | 50 = 40% remaining | 0..43200
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision             | req | r-- | uint16 | 0001               | --      
▸ No commands found
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0x0003 (Identify Cluster)
▸ 0x0000 | Identify Time    | req | rw- | uint16 | 0000 = 0 seconds | --
▸ 0xFFFD | Cluster Revision | req | r-- | uint16 | 0001             | --
▸ 0x00 | Identify       | req
▸ 0x01 | Identify Query | req
Endpoint 0x01 | In Cluster: 0xFC00 (Unknown Cluster)
▸ 0_0400 | --               | --  | r-- | uint8  | 01   | --
▸ 0_FFFD | Cluster Revision | req | r-- | uint16 | 0001 | --
▸ 0_82 | -- | --
Neighbors Table
▸ Addr:728B | Type:Zigbee Router | RxOnWhenIdle:Yes | Rel:Parent | Depth:15 | LQI:226
Routing Table
▸ Could not retrieve data
Bindings Table
▸ Src:001788010CC46041 | Endpoint:0x01 | Cluster:0xFC00 | Dest:000D6F00000D6F0 | Endpoint:0x01
▸ Src:001788010CC46041 | Endpoint:0x01 | Cluster:0x0001 | Dest:000D6F00000D6F0 | Endpoint:0x01

Tip: Look for attributes and commands that start with 0_.

@kkossev This might help you discover more things about your IKEA VINDSTYRKA.

Happy hacking!


Released version 2.2.0 with the following small change:

  • Add Bombarda spell to execute raw Zigbee commands
Example for toggling On/Off switch status using Bombarda


Happy hacking!


Any possibility of an English version for us non-Potter(ites)?

There’s pretty extensive documentation in the dev’s GitHub repo, linked in the OP.


Ssseya seethaaa ssss ssssehhh haa ehhh aayaa hass ssaah ayaeeh ssss ssssaytha seyythaa 'ssseya hatheeey ayaeeh hasseey ayaahath aayaa seyythaa ssss seyythaa ehhh hathehh aayaa ssssaytha seethaaa !