Sinope TH1123ZB not updating sharptools

I set up a small matrix up of drivers and the response of the tiles in Sharptools using Double Height Thermostat (DHT) and Single Height Thermostat (SHT) Tiles. I manually adjusted the temp on the thermostat and reviewed the results in the Events tab of the device (in HE) and the two tiles side by side in Sharptools.
I used the following drivers;

  1. Sinope TH11224ZB (4KW) Thermostat
  2. TH112xZB Sinope Thermostat EngeryMerter V3
  3. Sinope TH112XZB Thermostat

Drivers 2 and 3 changes were tracked only on the DHT, the SHT remained at 17 C. The Events tab (when refreshed) reflected the changes.
Driver 1 caused both DHT and SHT to change when the thermostat was set manually. The events tab (when refreshed) reflected the changes.

I would prefer the SHT so I will be using driver #1, appreciate the help from all.
