Simply Conserve A19 Smart LED Bulb - Can these WiFi/BLE bulbs be HE integrated/controlled?

Just got a few free Simply Conserve - WiFi & BLE enabled A19 Smart LED Bulbs from our AEP power company. These RGB-CCT color bulbs connect to our home WiFi network and have a separate iOS/Android app to control. They also are integrated/controllable using Alexa and Google, so they must have an API for this skill. But I'm guessing that they are not integrated into HE :cry: and therefore I am SOL for "smart" automations other than what the iOS/Google app provides, which are regular boring non-smart 'On/Off ' plans, schedules, circadian rhythm, scenes, and groups.

I was wondering, if an API is unavailable/undocumented for control? Or is the only way to get some HE control for these "smart" bulbs is using Echo Speaks to obtain on/off through the 'Voice Cmd as Text'?

I guess the "No Hub Required" on the box pretty much explains the lack of Zigbee/Z-Wave, just plain WiFi connectivity.

After some more digging, these might be a TuYa since the website that the app communicates to is

First guess is not directly. (I could be corrected).

You could install into Amazon, create a Hubitat virtual device and Amazon rules to control the Simply Conserve bulb.

Guessing you have already purchased these. If not, there a lot of Bulbs that work with Hubitat either with the built-in capabilities or a developer-community capability. There is a survey on the site right now with "most popular" devices. For bulbs:

Thanks! The bulbs were free from our AEP power company in Ohio, hence no loss of $$$ other than higher than average electricity rates which subsidized these freebies for me... :grinning:

Looks like the approach to HE β†’ Amazon route might be my best bet in the short run for now.

The tuya Wifi Hubitat device Drivers is an alternative route that is looking somewhat successful. The documentation for the multiple steps are fantastic, and one needs some knowledge of Python to complete a few of the steps.

I will reach out to the Tuya developer for some quirks that I am experiencing.

Bottom Line: These Simply Conserve RGB smart bulbs are Tuya cloud controlled and one can use the Tuya Wifi Hubitat device Drivers and the Smart Life iOS App or the Smart Life Android App to gain access to them via the local Lan and HE.

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