An other issue with dashboard i uninstalled simple css from hubitat package monitor as a strange behavior from apps it would always link me to a philips hue not found page.
So i thought to uninstall app and reinstalled. Bu t no success it wont show up into app device. Even if hubitat package monitor tells me it is installed, it wont show up in the apps page and can not add as device on dashboard
lol funny exact same thing.
in hubtitat package manager it tells me it is installed correctly. In reality i could only see it into drivers code nowehere else
Ok, cool. There is only a driver at this stage for the CSS Editor. I intend to finish developing an App that can manage this and other dashboard enhancements, but I haven't touched it for some time...
So once you have installed the driver via HPM, you need to open the Devices page on your HE hub and choose to Add Device, selecting Virtual, then select the Simple CSS Editor driver.
You will then need to add this device to your Dashboard, both via the specific dashboard app settings page to add it as a device available to the dashboard, then also as a tile using the attribute tile.
If you have any issues after attempting this, happy to help
Ok thanks so nice of you I forgot about this manipulation for the device.
I was so disappointed i could not make it work anymore.
Thanks to your development; dahsboards look so much nicer and no need to play around into CSS
Glad you get so much out of it, that was my main aim in developing the tool, making all the great stuff people had come up with in CSS tweaks available in a more easily accessible format.
Hopefully I can expand it even more sometime soon...
I just installed the Simple CSS editor and after using it a while I have a couple of potential problems:
It will no longer load the .css file. When I click the editor tile a black screen comes up, but nothing else.
I notice that if I specify a font size nothing actually changes. I looked at the code in the .css file and there is nothing about a font size specification.
Well, I found my own problems, but there may be another. The issue with the font size was my fault. I didn't have a box checked correctly. However the other issue happened because I opened the dashboard from OUTSIDE the Hubitat interface. If I opened it from within Hubitat it worked fine. I also noticed, however, that if I open the dashboard from outside Hubitat that the contents of the .css file are not applied. The result is the same as if I had never edited the layout with the Simple CSS editor.
I opened up the .css file in File Manager and copied all the entries. I then went back into the "CSS" tab in Hubitat and commented out the reference to the .css file, and then pasted all the code from the file directly into that "CSS" screen. Now when I use the dashboard link the display is as it should be.
I figured out the problem with the .css file not working outside of the Habitat environment. I was trying a link through the remote admin portal in the cloud. If I run the dashboard on the same subnet it works fine. That might be an issue for some who need to access dashboards remotely. It also works through a VPN, but not through the cloud portal.
Glad you are getting some use from my CSS editor @jeppsenc. Your trials over the last little while coincided with my workday, which was why I was not able to respond. It sounds like you have mostly sorted out your issues, but just to add a few comments to what you found...
I included these checkboxes so that it was easier to briefly turn something off then back on without needing to set up the detail again. I would say it is the most elegant UI experience, but it serves a purpose.
The local / VPN vs remote issue came up early on after I released the editor. The solution I came up with was essentially what you described:
Use of the CSS Editor still needs to happen locally, so that the settings can be accessed (other dashboard changes can still be made remotely)
I included links in the top right-hand corner of the editor to the settings file and importantly the CSS file, so after saving the changes, you can then open the CSS file and copy/paste the contents into the CSS section of the dashboard
Feel free to post any other questions you have on the topic I setup for the editor.