Show Off Your Dashboards!


Nice, but outside*
My OCD won't allow you to get away with that one ok :joy:

@Angus_M Would "Exterior" be more to your OCD's liking? :wink:

It's definitely better than "Outisde" :joy:

How do you feel about the “Back Path”
and “Front walkway”. :joy:

Can take it in turns? Otherwise it can get boring going the same way every day :sweat_smile:

Both are better than the "Breatfast Table".

This dashboard, while pretty, needs some serious spell checking lol :joy:


I’ve never analyzed a fellow Hubitat users Dashboard so much. Sorry @TechMedX. :joy::crazy_face:

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I should have a job in Quality Control. Very little gets past my eagle eye :joy:

Send your dashboard screen shots for a thorough check prior to launch at
Only 100 USD via PayPal!

It's extremely difficult being me.

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Please don't complain if your emails bounce. I didn't actually register this domain. Yet.

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Dang email didn't work :wink: Wanted to make sure my Dashes are community approved!

Input welcome @Angus_M @njanda



Ha ha ha.
Sorry, I just can't help it.


HE needs spell check! Can't believe my wife didn't catch any of that. :+1:


The spell check attribute of the input field should be set, that is for sure, with that we'd get the browser spell check features at least.


I blame my wife for the fact I've had a POARCH for over two years. It happens. :smile:


I thought it was referring to the network configuration. "Out is DE" - in other words outgoing traffic is routed over the .de TLD. :crazy_face:


I’d be happy to help test this. All the best!

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Nice looking Dashboard. How do you create the blue title bars?

Please let us know when it's released. Really looking to cleaning up the dashboard gui.

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I suspect they are text tiles. You have to make the dashboard grid large enough vertically so that these are 1 unit high but the other tiles are then multiples of that in height. I use this method in one of my dashboards and it works really well but is a PITA to set up all the tiles or change anything because its very so fiddly with such a large grid. The HE dashboard layout UI is poor. It desperately needs drag & drop layout tools.

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Angus_M is correct. They are text tiles.