Shelly products

You have the shelly 2.5 ?

Yes 2.5 for roller and lights and 2 units of shelly 1 for two lights each one.

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I added you

Don't understand...

You asked for access to the shelly drivers right ? I added you to access them.

hey @anon61068208, got a HE on the way and pre-ordered the new Shelly Dimmer. Will that be supported with your drivers?

Isn't quite ready yet. I have to setup a test bench for the dimming part but the basic on/off work.

When are they shipping out the dimmers ?

They say next week hopefully.

Ok -- not sure if I'll have all the features ready by then.

I'm not in a hurry , HE has only just shipped, I probably won't have all the dimmers done until Jan earliest!


Hi all. Shellys are great very reliable. I have a guestion on Shelly rgbw ...does it have a separate option for white channel control? Like in fibaro for instance separate device for white is created... Cant seem to find it in the shelly rgbw options of the driver

You have to set it in the app. The white controls all channels at one time for white led strips.

The current driver doesn't fully support the White only right now because I have no way to test it unless someone wants to donate some scrap white led strips that I can test with. Must be the cutable strips.

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Has anyone on here got the Shelly Dimmer yet? I'm awaiting the SL version (non neutral) which has been delayed until new year.

Yes I do.

Awesome, is it all they make it out to be?

So far !

Will you be coding a driver for Shelly Door Window ?

If I get one sent to me yes.

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Has anyone heard anything about the Dimmer/SL? I got an email saying it has been delayed due to manufacturing issues but now it's been removed from pre-order, hope they haven't cancelled it.