@user6330 One other thing to check, did it happen to make any "Child" device below it? There would be a > next to it in the device list and when you click it child devices would open it. Not sure if the switch will be created as a child maybe?
@bertabcd1234 Is this driver actually supposed to work for the 1PM? Compatibility list screenshot above.
Found this thread also saying it does not work: Shelly Plus 1 - built in driver not working
Here is the link to the Github Of that custom shelly driver: Hubitat-Drivers/PLUS/ShellyPlus.groovy at master · ShellyUSA/Hubitat-Drivers · GitHub
And the original post for it: Shelly Device Handlers for Hubitat
I would start with that driver. Do you know how to install and select user drivers? There is another even more advanced one but I dont think you will need it.