Shelly driver starting config

dev39: 2020-02-25 10:59:31.744 am [info])Calling /relay/0?turn=on
dev:39 something went Not Found

What's happening here? Missing some configuration parameter, clearly. :thinking:

tagging @anon61068208

did you enter the IP ?


what device -- username nor passwords cant use special characters

A Shelly 1. Did my email addr./username come from the Shelly Cloud? I didn't specify it.

My driver doesnt have default user/pass so you added it

Don't recall doing that with your driver install. Clear those fields? Is that the problem?

i would think so

Nope... same logged error. The device is working with the phone app so its there.

My browser was automatically filling those fields. I stopped it but no joy yet.

When I first installed driver and requested discovery, all I got was this.

No idea -- my drivers work. So your browser is doing some changes that's breaking it.

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Are you using Chrome? If not I would recommend it as Hubitat works well with Chrome.


ok... trying Chrome.

Final disposition: Chrome works... Firefox doesn't.

Jeez... after all that. Won't spend time attempting to figure out why my Firefox install doesn't play nice with Shelly driver. Just happy to be moving along now.

Brandon wins my internet for the day! :clap::+1:

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Thanks for your product! :fist_right: :+1:

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Has nothing to do with my driver. Hubitat does not recommend using firefox for its UI at all.

You said, "No idea -- my drivers work. So your browser is doing some changes that's breaking it." I don't recall seeing a recommendation. So I guess that's on me.

If you search the forum for this you will find it.