Shelly Device Handlers for Hubitat

Virtual Temp and Humidity devices are not tied to anything atm.

The initial idea is to tie them to scripts to play a role of (capability) type cast child devices (to simplify or avoid external separate virtual device forwarding trough RM).

It's a great idea.
I figured that I'd have to implement a Steinhart-Hart from the Shelly ntc-conversion.js. before I found your driver, so I was really excited when I saw this child device.
I may also just switch to ds18b20 probes...

Right now you can use scripts to send custom data to hub (script child devices have generic attribute(s) to get data from device).

After allocating script on a physical device you need to press 'Confugure' once again. A corresponding script child device should appear. You can start/stop script as a 'switch' on/off. If script exits (either due to the end of the code or due to 'die()' function call) child device state will get updated. So it is possible to make sort of 'button' or 'trigger once' behavor instead of start/stop

Adding any of;
Shelly.emitEvent("variable", eventCount);
Shelly.emitEvent("number", eventCount);
Shelly.emitEvent("string", eventCount);
Shelly.emitEvent("text", eventCount);

lines makes shelly script send any custom data you want to that script child device (there are 3 independent attributes; 'string' and 'text' send data to the same attribute)

P.S.: It is possible to extend support so not only script could send data to hub but hub also could send data to script. Currently the need of this is not clear.

@dmitry.rozovik , did you see the new GEN 4 relays :exploding_head: :exploding_head: Wifi, ZigBee, Bluetooth and matter in one device. Any plans to support this?

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The presentation of the Shelly LoRa device was impressive!

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Yes. I saw the the presentation. If I understand the strategy correctly GEN4 devices should work right away. There is no documentation yet to say for sure. But they seem to be using the same Gen2+ WiFi API. Only the new components will need to be added like RGBWW.

For full color support I need a sample device. It is to check 'White balance' config (this feature is driver side; as LED strips are not identical I want to add sort of calibration control to set actual LED strip 'white temperature' so then driver could adjust channels accordingly when controliing RGB and CCT; it's relatively easy for rgb-strips but tricky for rgbw- and rgbww- strips). A simple passtrough control should be not a problem.

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Though few points do concern me (mainly because of not being explained):

  • Frequency pollution - will it be reliable with many devices active. If to take some uniform device distribution across range total number should be proportional to range square (I'm taking this from point light attenuation math; might be not appropriate formula)
  • Encryption - without it or with poor one there will be a higher risk of hacking automation based on this communication

as I understand it is either wifi or zigbee but never at the same time. I understood that you would have the possibility to switch networks

The current devices are a bit chatty, resulting in a higher load on the hub and router, maybe this is not the case on the zigbee network?

I meant mainly LoRa. The longer is the range the more devices will start to interfere. The same applies for all radio connections. Each frequency will be shared (often on a time basis). The number of protocols on the specific radio frequency should not be a problem. Rather the number of devices using this frequency and being in range. It has no impact on hub load but on the complexity of ingecting and recieving data like a car entering a busy highway.

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Totally mind blowing that you can simultaneously use zigbee and wifi etc. Not just that it supports all. You can use all at the same time.

I can really use this feature. I use more than one platform. Control4, Hubitat and Josh. All 3 support Shelly devices. But I would like zigbee support backup. Brilliant.

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From the Shelly video there appears to be "coexistence mode" where wifi, Bluetooth and zigbee can operate at the same time.

It sounded to me that it might not be possible to do matter and zigbee at the same time. But who knows.

I think he made the comment that you could operate on in type like zigbee and do a wifi web hook. That's cool. Would like a zigbee uni.

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hmm, I don't think lots of households will have lots of LoRa add-ons in there setup

Probably right, but I have a need. I'd like to see the technical docs. I couldn't find anything so far.

On a larger property connectivity with outbuildings and gates etc is obvious. As noted in the release there is a civic application so perhaps they are thinking more commercial uses.