Severe Load Issues

C7 Hub - I have been checking on this for a few weeks and have found that the Ecobee Suite APP may be the culprit here.
Unsure why its posting so many events an what I can do to cut these down. Any advise would be great.
2 EcoBee Thermostats with a total of 5 remote sensors between them

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One App running on the Office thermostat side. With required expression.

Perhaps a different way of approaching this would be, are you seeing any changes in the performance of the hub in responding to triggers to automations you have configured? "Spammy Devices" is likely a result of defaults in HE for the number of events considered "normal" that does not account for some edge cases, which things like Weather Stations and alike will produce with a number of attributes updated regularly, which may be the case for you as well. Equally, there may other reasons for elevated readings from the EcoBee App that the HE hub automatically picks up, but may not be a reason for concern.... but is up to you to determine.

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Hub performance - I have seen one instance of hub not responding appropriately and I rebooted hub via the settings.
One thing comes to mind- Around 4 weeks ago, I got a corruption error, and had to recover hub back to previous back up. This could be unrelated but though it best to share this.

Ecobee Suites:
The Ecobee suites addition, along with rules, is one of the newer additions that MAY be the issue.
Im not sure- I am still in the learning process. I got the hub online when I moved from ST earlier this year, and recently started getting everything back in order with app and RM rules.

IS there anything else I should look for while trying to figure out what puts hub into sever load status? Aside from Ecobee Suites...

Should I add an END-IF or Exit Rule to the above rule?

With the way the rule is now, I don't believe you need it. I think it would only be needed if you wanted to add extra actions below those covered in the last ELSE block.

That's a tough one... The kind of things that can be problematic are cloud-based integrations, e.g. apps or drivers making cloud-based HTTP API calls. If you have any of these it may be worth looking into some logging or other details about what they are doing. Chatty devices, particularly LAN/WiFi devices can sometimes cause issues. Use of apps like Maker API and some integrations with other home automation platforms may produce bottlenecks depending on the devices involved and other factors that can overload them with activity. Poor mesh networks might pose issues sometimes as well... but I am really starting to get out of my depth.

Ultimately to monitor things while they are running, logging can be an effective tool. Turning automations or apps off (not removing, just disabling / pausing / etc) can also be an effective way of comparing hub performance with and without the app in operation.

What do you have Events set to for all the Ecobee devices? I assume that you might have a separate sensor and thermostat judging by these screenshots? (I'm not all that familiar with Ecobee)

I would set these as low as possible while keeping rules and history functional (I.E. probably 2-3), there likely isn't a need to store dozens upon dozens of events.

Remember that each item is an event, so temperature would be one event, and if you are saving 11 events that equals 11. However many thermostats have other events like battery, humidity, heat setpoint, cool setpoint, fan and so on. So that 11 events balloons to hundreds when you have a few or even upwards of a dozen items generating events.

I will start this process. I noticed 2 older sonoff WIFI devices ,that are not on any routine or rule, showing alot of events. SO I disabled them this AM. I will continue to check other items aside from ecobee.

I have events based on remote sensors of the two Ecobee thermostats. One Rule is for Master Bedroom based on time, temp, and motion.
The other is the Office, which has a more in-depth rule based on the same principles with the switch in the mix. This room gets action based on day or evening time and is also a gaming room which relates to the needs if in use.
When I adjusted based on your post above, I noticed the exact level of events was 11...... which coincides with the event log. I have dropped this to 3 for testing and to see if we have another sever load issue.