Sengled Element Color Plus Power-On Issues After 2.2.5

Curious...are you running your Sengled bulbs via an integration of the Sengled hub to HE, or did you just put them back on the Sengled hub to do the update, and then add them back to your HE hub?

This :point_up:t2:

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Thanks...never occurred to me that Sengled bulbs did FW updates...might have to look into this. Sounds like you didn't have any strong info that the update(s) you applied fixed anything significant in particular. Have you ever done a FW udpate on Sengled products that you were able to verify fixed anything important?

Nope. They do seem to turn on smoother since the update. Previously I would notice them changing color every time when turning on and off and that doesn't happen anymore, but who knows. I have all of them setup with the new advanced rgbw driver with all settings to ASAP and they are working perfectly, so if this is also the case for you, probably not something to worry about.

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The group app needs help. It doesn't seem to respect driver settings for on/off/level transition/etc (especially with the new advanced driver). Changes in level, ct, or color for the group do not change device settings on the device page, so if an individual device is then turned off and later back on, it won't match the group. ZGM can't be used to ramp up/down multiple devices (has to be done individually with variable results).
I know the group app is made to be all-encompassing, but I for one would be happy with a separate group app for ZGM only.

No idea of its capabilities, but have you ever looked at Bryan's Simple Groups app?

Just curious if you happened to find out what was wrong @mike.maxwell? I've switched to using the Generic Zigbee RGBW but it doesn't look like color temps or colors are fully acting properly, so I'm looking forward to going back to the Sengled once its fixed. :slight_smile:

@StephenJ I was having the same problems with my Sengled Element Color Plus bulbs on the advanced RGBW driver. I think the issues resolved after I changed all of the transition/on times to ASAP

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Thanks - I'll give it a try again and see if that can get me using the Advanced successfully.

It may just be the act of changing the preferences and saving that fixes it. I had mine set to many different settings while testing and they all worked. It just seems that once the lights are used with a group, the settings no longer apply. We need a group device with adjustable settings now. @mike.maxwell you created this monster :wink:

+1 - i have my own thread with basically the same issue, with plenty of others chiming in.

FYI for anyone else following along, I noticed that today's update included releasing the legacy Sengled drivers -- I changed my bulbs back to this and it seems to work:

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thanks @StephenJ ! my hub never notified me of the update.
i've spent 3 days trying to get my !@#!@@! lighting working again. wife is over it...MUST get functionality and stability back or i'll never get another leave pass again. :frowning:


We all feel (and have felt) your pain...


I just don't understand why my Sengled color plus bulbs work perfectly with the Advanced driver. I wonder if it's because I have them all in groups.

If you have group messaging enabled, that could be it.

I only have two Sengled bulbs in place right now (had to remove the third due to WAF issues regarding the automation, not the bulb) and they work perfectly. One is used daily as a regular light next to me in the family room. The other is used primarily in a notification automation that turns it on to Red/50% if any doors/locks are open late. Neither is in a group, no group messaging. Both are the color bulbs.

The third is one of the extra bright white bulbs and it worked perfectly while it was in place.

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just an FYI, the new drivers are working for some of us. iโ€™m using the advanced RGBW driver with sengled color bulbs both individually and in groups without issue.

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Yeah, i sure as hell don't get it...

it did occur to me that most of my automations are through nodered and i will frequently specify the ramp rate. although I have no problem controlling the bulbs from the device page in hubitat also.

no idea if any of that matters.