Security System Suggestions

I’m looking to invest in a security system that has options to add paid monitoring.

I want as much intergration with Hubitat as possible.

Does anyone have recommendations?

Following along! I came from the ADT SmartThings world and I miss professionally monitored.


Not specific to Hubitat but in general.

ELK and DSC are the most integration friendly systems. ELK is built/designed for integration with systems via serial and IP. DSC has an addon module you can get from Envisalink to provide IP connectivity.

Both are great systems however I have a preference for ELK. I think there are apps floating around here for both.

Both are widely supported by monitoring services like and others.

ELK Security


EyezOn EnvisaLink (for DSC)

Whichever system you choose is a good system. Both are DIY or Pro install solutions. However I do recommend to find a local installer and talk with them and see about doing a CO-DIY install. Consider it paying for personal training.

@codahq did a great integration with ring alarm..

I should of added something that is fairly easy and inexpensive to put together.

You can also add Noonlight professional monitoring with no additional hardware.

Works with HSM and a couple custom apps/drivers. It's $10 a month, last time i checked. Obviously relies on an internet connection, no internet, no alert to the monitoring center.

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Only US.

I need a system that works with Canada.

Literally as your post came up I was posting an update to my previous post. Didn't see your maple leaf. My apologies. @SmartHomePrimer likes the unofficial Ring integration but he might also know of some of the other alternatives available to Canucks.

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Yeah....... ok....

Cheap and Easy. Tie the other end to a contact sensor to signal Hubitat. Mind boggling......

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Funny but man you posted this on amazon US. :wink:

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It's cheaper in the US :slight_smile: If I used the CA page the pricing would be more.

:slight_smile: depends if you’re using Canadian dollars vs US dollars.

30+ cents on the dollar.

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Serious though. This is a security system not a light bulb so I'm not going to recommend anything that is questionable or won't work. And both work in Canada and I know many that use them. Plus ELK or DSC integrate with most every automation system.

And I'm biased I integrate ELK.

True. My new favorite is the Ring system. Works perfectly in Canada. The free cellular works, and the optional monitoring service is available in Canada if you want. That unofficial integration is excellent. Ring alarm starter kit is $200 CAD right now for Prime members.

Abode works in Canada too. Someone has started building a driver for it, but I believe it’s only offering arm/disarm at this time. Otherwise you’re going to have to use IFTTT. They are have a 50% off sale for the next 18 hours.

Okay awesome.

What kind of intergration do you get ?,

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You can use these conditions in rules...

Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 10.54.38 PM

And you can run these actions on the Ring hub...

Plus all the sensors become available for use in HE in addition to their standard use with the Ring hub. The Z-Wave SmartStart setup makes it dead simple to setup, and the contact sensors are pretty inexpensive too. $25 per sensor from Home Depot or Lowe's.

Hub has a backup battery. The included Z-Wave Plus repeater has a backup battery, and the keypad can run on power with battery backup, or you can charge it. Mine ran for around 3 months before I needed to charge it. If you run on power, the keypad is backlit too. The Ring base apparently also has Zigbee, but it's not activated yet. The hub is pretty much what Zonoff had designed for Staples, but better. Don't think there's a Lutron or Insteon radio in there though :slightly_frowning_face:

If the Ring hub has a Lutron or Insteon radio in it I have never seen mention of it anywhere. You can get a bit of information about the inactive zigbee radio though.

So, normally @SmartHomePrimer does this but I think it's important to understand the unofficial integration is exactly that; unofficial. I hope it won't go away but it might if Ring really wanted it to.

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True. But as we've discussed before, anything in the smart home can go away too. Hubitat Elevation is one of the exceptions.

No, I do not think it does either. Just a comparison to the Staples hub, since the Zonoff people were all hired by Ring, and the Ring Alarm hub is the result. No way Ring or Amazon would pay the licensing fees to have those two additional radios in their hub.

Do you get motion triggers from cams with this setup? Without IFTTT or anything. I would like to turn some outdoor lights on with motion from Ring cam. Can't do now without IFTTT (to my knowledge)

I don’t have their cameras. Their alarm hub is different and while you can use their Z-Wave motion sensors included in the kit, both with the alarm and HE at the same time without an IFTTT connection, I’ve no clue about the cameras.