Securifi Peanut Smart Plug

Were you able to get the power reporting to work with these zigbee plugs? Is power reporting contingent on a specific firmware version?

You have to update the firmware to the latest version with an Almond router. It seems crazy that companies never update the shipping firmware version. If you want power reporting your better off getting a Samsung plug. They are excellent repeaters and I’ve never had one drop off the network.

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FYI, just a heads up even with the updated firmware you will get current "power" reporting but "energy monitoring" and accumulation still doesn't exist.


Except that I hate Samsung with a passion

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I understand. I'm not a real big fan myself, but the darn things work so well. They consistently switch on and off faster than my peanut plugs, never a delay and never go unresponsive. They appear to route for at least 5 devices, since that is how many I've seen associated with one in the zigbee routing table at the same time.

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Getting this error when trying to install this driver.

unable to resolve class physicalgraph.zigbee.zcl.DataType @ line 32, column 1. unable to resolve class physicalgraph.device.HubAction @ line 217, column 28.

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That's a SmartThings device handler, not a Hubitat driver. If you have Peanut plugs whose firmware has been updated to support power reporting, then this driver works with Hubitat:

 *  Peanut Plug
 *  Copyright 2017
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Peanut Plug
 *  Author:
 *  Change Log
 *  2017-09-17 - v01.01 Created
 *  2018-03-01 - v01.02 fix power accuracy issue
 *  2018-12-23 - v01.03 merging jamesham change to get the calibrated attr from peanut plug,
 *                      add support for new smartthings app
 *  2019-01-17 - v01.04 merging jamesham retain state code
 *  2019-05-24 - V02.00 Converted to run on Hubitat.  Modified to display power correctly.
 *  2019-06-14 - V02.50 Added user variables Power Change Report Value, Power Reporting Interval,
 *                      Current Change Report Value, Current Reporting Interval, Voltage Reporting Interval, and
 *                      Debug Logging?

import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType

metadata {
	definition (name: "Peanut Plug", namespace: "pakmanwg", author: "", ocfDeviceType: "oic.d.switch",
		vid: "generic-switch-power-energy") {
		capability "Energy Meter"
		capability "Actuator"
		capability "Switch"
		capability "Power Meter"
		capability "Polling"
		capability "Refresh"
		capability "Configuration"
		capability "Sensor"
		capability "Light"
		capability "Health Check"
		capability "Voltage Measurement"
		attribute "current","number"

		command "reset"
		fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000, 0001, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0B04, 0B05",
			outClusters: "0000, 0001, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0019, 0B04, 0B05"

	// tile definitions
	tiles {
		standardTile("switch", "device.switch", width: 2, height: 2, canChangeIcon: true) {
			state "on", label: '${name}', action: "", icon: "st.switches.switch.on", backgroundColor: "#00A0DC"
			state "off", label: '${name}', action: "switch.on", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
		valueTile("power", "device.power") {
			state "default", label:'${currentValue} W'
		valueTile("energy", "") {
			state "default", label:'${currentValue} kWh'
		valueTile("voltage", "device.voltage") {
			state "default", label:'${currentValue} V'
		valueTile("current", "device.current") {
			state "default", label:'${currentValue} A'
		standardTile("reset", "", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
			state "default", label:'reset kWh', action:"reset"
		standardTile("refresh", "device.power", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
			state "default", label:'', action:"refresh.refresh", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"


	preferences {
        section {
		    input (
                name: "RetainState",
                type: "bool",
                title: "Retain State?",
                description: "Retain state on power loss?", 
                required: false, 
                displayDuringSetup: false, 
                defaultValue: true
i/*		    input (
                name: "PowerReportValueChange",
                type: "enum",
                title: "Power Report Value Change",
                submitOnChange: true,
                options: ["No Selection","No Report",".1 Watt",".2 Watts",".3 Watts",".4 Watts",".5 Watts",
                            "1 Watt","2 Watts","3 Watts","4 Watts","5 Watts","10 Watts","25 Watts",
                            "50 Watts","75 Watts","100 Watts","150 Watts","200 Watts","250 Watts","300 Watts","400 Watts",
                            "500 Watts","750 Watts","1000 Watts"],
                required: true,
                Multiple: false
		    input (
                name: "PowerReportPercentChange",
                type: "enum",
                title: "Power Report Percentage Change",
                submitOnChange: true,
                options: ["No Selection","No Report","1%","2%","3%","4%","5%","10%","15%","20","25%","30%","40%","50%","75%","100%"],
                required: true,
                Multiple: false
		    input (
                name: "PowerReportingInterval",
                type: "enum",
                title: "Power Reporting Interval",
                submitOnChange: true,
                options: ["No Selection","No Report","5 Seconds","10 Seconds","15 Seconds","30 Seconds","45 Seconds","1 Minute",
                            "2 Minutes","3 Minutes","4 Minutes","5 Minutes","10 Minutes","15 Minutes","30 Minutes","45 Minutes",
                            "1 Hour","2 Hours","3 Hours","5 Hours"],
                required: true,
                Multiple: false
            ) */
		    input (
                name: "ReportablePowerChange",
                type: "number",
                title: "Power Change Report Value",
                description: "Report Power change greater than XXX watts. (.1 - 1000)",
                submitOnChange: true,
                required: true,
                range: "0..1000",
                defaultValue: 5
		    input (
                name: "MinPowerReportTime",
                type: "number",
                title: "Power Reporting Interval",
                description: "Report Power no more than every XXX seconds. (1 - 7200)",
                submitOnChange: true,
                required: true,
                range: "1..7200",
                defaultValue: 60
		    input (
                name: "ReportableCurrentChange",
                type: "number",
                title: "Current Change Report Value",
                description: "Report Current change greater than XXX milliamps. (1 - 1000)",
                submitOnChange: true,
                required: true,
                range: "1..1000",
                defaultValue: 1
		    input (
                name: "MinCurrentReportTime",
                type: "number",
                title: "Current Reporting Interval",
                description: "Report Current no more than every XXX seconds. (1 - 7200)",
                submitOnChange: true,
                required: true,
                range: "1..7200",
                defaultValue: 60
		    input (
                name: "MinVoltageReportTime",
                type: "number",
                title: "Voltage Reporting Interval",
                description: "Report Voltage no more than every XXX seconds. (1 - 7200)",
                submitOnChange: true,
                required: true,
                range: "1..7200",
                defaultValue: 60
		    input (
                name: "DebugLogging",
                type: "bool",
                title: "Debug Logging",
//                description: "Enable Debug Logging", 
                required: true, 
                displayDuringSetup: false, 
                defaultValue: true

def log(msg) {
	if (DebugLogging) {

// Parse incoming device messages to generate events
def parse(String description) {

	log "description is: $description"
	def event = zigbee.getEvent(description)
	if (event) {
	    log "event name is $"
		if ( == "power") {
			def powerValue
			powerValue = (event.value as Integer) * getPowerMultiplier()
			sendEvent(name: "power", value: powerValue)
			def time = (now() - state.time) / 3600000 / 1000
			state.time = now()
			log "powerValues is $state.powerValue"
			state.energyValue = state.energyValue + (time * state.powerValue)
			state.powerValue = powerValue
			// log "energyValue is $state.energyValue"
			sendEvent(name: "energy", value: state.energyValue)
		} else {
	} else if (description?.startsWith("read attr -")) {
		def descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
		log "Desc Map: $descMap"
		if (descMap.clusterInt == zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER) {
			def intVal = Integer.parseInt(descMap.value,16)
			if (descMap.attrInt == 0x0600) { "ACVoltageMultiplier $intVal"
				state.voltageMultiplier = intVal
			} else if (descMap.attrInt == 0x0601) { "ACVoltageDivisor $intVal"
				state.voltageDivisor = intVal
			} else if (descMap.attrInt == 0x0602) { "ACCurrentMultiplier $intVal"
				state.currentMultiplier = intVal
			} else if (descMap.attrInt == 0x0603) { "ACCurrentDivisor $intVal"
				state.currentDivisor = intVal
			} else if (descMap.attrInt == 0x0604) { "ACPowerMultiplier $intVal"
				state.powerMultiplier = intVal
			} else if (descMap.attrInt == 0x0605) { "ACPowerDivisor $intVal"
				state.powerDivisor = intVal
			} else if (descMap.attrInt == 0x0505) {
				def voltageValue = intVal * getVoltageMultiplier()
				log "Voltage ${voltageValue}"
				state.voltage = $voltageValue
				sendEvent(name: "voltage", value: voltageValue)
			} else if (descMap.attrInt == 0x0508) {
				def currentValue = String.format("%.4f", (intVal * getCurrentMultiplier()))
				log "Current ${currentValue}"
				state.current = $currentValue
				sendEvent(name: "current", value: currentValue)
			} else if (descMap.attrInt == 0x050B) {
				def powerValue = String.format("%.4f", (intVal * getPowerMultiplier()))
//				log "Power ${intVal}, ${getPowerMultiplier()}"
				log "Power ${powerValue}"
				state.powerValue = $powerValue
				sendEvent(name: "power", value: powerValue)
		} else {
			log.warn "Not an electrical measurement"
	} else {
		log.warn "DID NOT PARSE MESSAGE for description : $description"
		log zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)

def installed() {

def off() {

def on() {

def refresh() {
	Integer reportIntervalMinutes = 5
	setRetainState() +
	zigbee.onOffRefresh() +
//	zigbee.simpleMeteringPowerRefresh() +
//	simpleMeteringPowerRefresh() +
	zigbee.electricMeasurementPowerRefresh() +
	zigbee.onOffConfig(0, reportIntervalMinutes * 60) +
//	zigbee.simpleMeteringPowerConfig() +
//	simpleMeteringPowerConfig() +
//	zigbee.electricMeasurementPowerConfig() +
	electricMeasurementPowerConfig() +
	voltageMeasurementRefresh() +
	voltageMeasurementConfig() +
	currentMeasurementRefresh() +
	currentMeasurementConfig() +
	zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0600) +
	zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0601) +
	zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0602) +
	zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0603) +
	zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0604) +
	zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0605)

//def electricMeasurementPowerConfig(
//                                minReportTime=10,           // in seconds
//                                maxReportTime=600,          // in seconds
//                                reportableChange=0x0005)    // in .1 Watts 
def electricMeasurementPowerConfig()    // in .1 Watts 
    def MinPowerValueA
    MinPowerValue = (((ReportablePowerChange as float) * 10) as Integer) "Power Report Time: $MinPowerReportTime, Power Report Value: $MinPowerValue"
                            MinPowerReportTime as Integer,              // Min Power reporting time in seconds
                            7200,                                       // Max Power reporting time in seconds
                            MinPowerValue as Integer)                   // Min Reportable Power Change in Tenths of Watts

//def currentMeasurementConfig(minReportTime=60, maxReportTime=600, reportableChange=0x0005) {
//	zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0508, DataType.UINT16, minReportTime, maxReportTime, reportableChange)

def currentMeasurementConfig() { "Current Report Time: $MinCurrentReportTime, Current Report Value: $ReportableCurrentChange"
                            MinCurrentReportTime as Integer,    // Min Current reporting time in seconds
                            7200,                               // Max Current reporting time in seconds
                            ReportableCurrentChange as Integer) // Min Reportable Current Change in Tenths of Watts

def currentMeasurementRefresh() {
	zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0508);

def voltageMeasurementConfig() { "Voltage Report Time: $MinVoltageReportTime"
                            MinVoltageReportTime as Integer,    // Min Voltage reporting time in seconds
                            7200,                               // Max Voltage reporting time in seconds
                            0x0030)                             // Min Reportable Voltage Change in Tenths of Volts

def voltageMeasurementRefresh() {
	zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0505);

def getCurrentMultiplier() {
	if (state.currentMultiplier && state.currentDivisor) {
		return (state.currentMultiplier / state.currentDivisor)
	} else {
		return 0.001831

def getVoltageMultiplier() {
	if (state.voltageMultiplier && state.voltageDivisor) {
		return (state.voltageMultiplier / state.voltageDivisor)
	} else {
		return 0.0045777

def getPowerMultiplier() {
	if (state.powerMultiplier && state.powerDivisor) {
		return (state.powerMultiplier / state.powerDivisor)
	} else {
		return 0.277

def configure() {
	log "in configure()"
	return configureHealthCheck() + setRetainState()

def configureHealthCheck() {
	Integer hcIntervalMinutes = 12
	sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: hcIntervalMinutes * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zigbee", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])
	return refresh()

def updated() { "${device.displayName}.updated()"
	log "in updated()"
	// updated() doesn't have it's return value processed as hub commands, so we have to send them explicitly
	def cmds = configureHealthCheck() + setRetainState()
	cmds.each{ sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it)) }

def ping() {
	return zigbee.onOffRefresh()

def setRetainState() {
	log "Setting Retain State: $RetainState"
	if (RetainState == null || RetainState) {
		if (RetainState == null) {
			log.warn "RetainState is null, defaulting to 'true' behavior"
		return zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0003, 0x0000, DataType.UINT16, 0x0000)
	} else {
		return zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0003, 0x0000, DataType.UINT16, 0x1111)

def reset() {
	log "Reset"
	state.energyValue = 0.0
	state.powerValue = 0.0
	state.voltage = 0.0
	state.current = 0.0
	state.time = now()
	sendEvent(name: "energy", value: state.energyValue)

I have a couple of these and I’m trying to find the current firmware version. Where can I find that? Which version is required for power reporting to work?

You need to have a securifi router to update them.

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Has to be reported somewhere (how else could an Almond router know the Peanut Plug needs upgrade) but the drivers I have seen do not list it.

Have not done it yet in the one I am working on... Got that one to be "good enough" for my own needs and have been working on my other drivers and Christmas stuff so it has been put on the back burner.

Even after updating them with the Securifi router, it enables "power" monitoring but it does not enable "Energy" monitoring......just an FYI.

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Yeah, I am not really clear on the difference between the two. I could be wrong but I think Power is "at this moment" and Energy is "over X timeframe". Not sure if the DO energy or if the Almonds calculated it from the reported Power readings.

Yes that is the difference. With the firmware update the plugs will tell you the current at the moment electricity usage (Power). They won't tell you an accumulated over time energy used (Energy) like most energy monitoring outlets do.


Dumb question of the day. Does a specific model need to be used, or will any "securifi router" update the firmware on the plugs?

It needs to be a model with Zigbee support. I picked up the Securifi Almond+ off ebay without a power supply for $23.60 delivered ($15 + shipping). I already had a power supply that worked.


Basically an Almond+, Almond 2015, Almond 3, or Almond 3S. The very original Almond did not have ZigBee support.

Still not clear how it’s possible to know which firmware version I have and which one is required for reporting power usage. For those who have it working, how is it setup? Are you using the Power Meter template on the dashboard along with the device driver included in an earlier post on this thread? When I try this combination the tile shows “Unknown”.

The device details page doesn't list the firmware version before or after updating the plugs.

If you are using the standard generic zigbee outlet driver for the plug and you are getting an "unknown" for your dashboard power meter tile. Then you have the firmware that needs updating.

I can't remember if the Securfi Almond Hub states when updating the firmware version or not, what it does say is that there is a firmware update available once you pair the plug to the Securfi Almond Hub. Takes 5-10 minutes per plug to update. Then afterwards upon repairing to Hubitat that Power Meter Tile will show at the moment power usage.

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Anyone seen an issue with the Peanut not reporting its current state? That is, on or off? That seems to be a problem sometimes since when set as part of a group, it appears only to turn it off when it says it is on, and vice versa. If it has not reported itself on, turning a group off does not turn it off. Yes, I can hit "refresh" on the generic zigbee outlet driver and it updates, but that kind of defeats the purpose of a group!

I had the same problem.
I went into configure, and “enabled Automatic power reporting” and now it reports, the hub shows the on/off state now.
