Let me start by saying I do not have any issues getting the hub to recognize the lock or even exclude it from the Z-wave network. My issue stems from the fact that I can not get past the 5 digit security code that it keeps asking me to put in. I have scoured the box and information and have not found a single digit that looks like what is being asked for. Is there a way around the security code. Would selecting any of the other security levels make the lock work and what are the restrictions or problems with that. Can anyone tell me where they found the security code since it is not in the literature or on the box?
I don't see it on any of the pictures you posted. There should be a square QR code somewhere on the box, or maybe the instruction manual. The numbers you need should be right next to this QR code.
QR code example. No idea what this does, found it in Google, so I would not scan it!
I would have spotted a QR code. Nothing like that on any of the instructions or the box. Bought 2 of these at Home Depot and I they are beyond the return date. They still work with manual entry codes but the idea was to have smart access. Any other suggestions or work-arounds? I already spoke to and sent numerous emails to consumer support at Allegion.com but keep getting a generic answer that they will get back to me about the problem and they never respond. This was the latest response that I answered and did not get a return response again. I think I am emailing a bot.
Definitely not on the instruction manual and I will have to take it apart to confirm it is not on the mounting plate but I think I would have spotted it there when I was installing it. Thanks.
The DSK and QR code are on the BACK SIDE of the door mounting plate, against the door. You have to remove the lock from the door, then remove the mounting plate and turn it over to see the sticker. There’s also (or should be) the same sticker on the manual.
I had the same issue, bought an ebay unit sticker missing. Schlage has NO IDEA how to get the code, but it's simple
Join the lock and uncheck all boxes, the full code will display, take a screenshot
I think if you pick 0 during pairing it will show the full security code. Note the last 5 numbers. Delete lock (make sure there are no ghosts and re pair with s2 using the last 5 digits of that code.
Thanks everyone. I will try getting the full security code by unchecking all the boxes or just selecting 0 next time I am at the house. I'll keep you posted.
Also, has anyone come across the issue of not being able to scroll to the bottom of the screen when using a phone to pair a device.
I was installing a Z-wave switch the other day on my Pixel 3xl and when this screen came up. I could not access the bottom of the screen to continue with the install. No ability to scroll down on the phone. I had to stop the installation on my phone and open up my Chromebook to do the install so that I could see the bottom of the screen. Seems like a problem that needs to be addressed if it has happened to others.