Ok, found one of my posts that seems to answer your questions:
eBay. Search for BE469ZP
Neither. If you look on eBay for used or "for parts" locks, you will find them. I got mine for about $39 and $50, respectively. Many sellers try to sell for high price, don't fall for it, just wait a while and you will see more reasonable prices. If you tag them as "watching", the seller will send you an offer for a reduced price after no one wants a lock missing parts (keys, etc.). The only things to watch for are:
(1) firmware versions - sometimes you will see very early firmwares, avoid. Mine are 0.10.9 and 0.11.0 and work fine.
(2) You need the DSK, which is on the door mounting plate sticker. Some sell incomplete parts, such as only the inside module (and sell the other parts separately). You don't need the door mounting plate itself because you have one already; a photo will suffice if the seller has the same serial number in that photo as on the sticker on the electronics module. One of mine was just for the inside-door piece (module with mechanics), one was for the whole used lock. The seller sent me the photo of the DSK sticker for the one that didn't have the door plate.
All the modules for all the Z-Wave Plus and non-plus locks are interchangeable, and I believe that the module is also interchangeable with the Zigbee module, so the style of lock doesn't matter. Just a few phillips screws to remove the large plastic module with circuit board inside, simple exchange. You don't need to swap the circuit boards, just the entire module. Very simple, just takes a few minutes. Be careful when you re-install to have the slot for the tumbler tongue horizontal with the little nib pointing up when you put the module into mechanics piece
Here is how to tell the two versions apart (BE469ZP on bottom):
Here is where the door mounting plate sticker is located on a BE469ZP:
The five DSK numbers you need for S2 pairing are in the rectangle.
Edit: in case I wasn’t clear, the modules for all of the Schlage BE469 models (styles, Z-Wave, Z-Wave Plus, Zigbee) are interchangeable. Just unscrew 3 Phillips screws, swap, put screws back.
And realize that eBay is supply and demand. If all of you go there at once to buy these, the price will go up. I may have been one of the first to try this five or six months ago, so the prices were lower - no demand.
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