Schlage customer support

I don’t, but I also don’t think it would be needed. I have a 24 hour convenience store very close by. I have a second lock on the back door. And I have a third door with a (yes Schlage) manual key lock. My next door neighbors have the key.

I think I’ll be ok :man_shrugging:t3: Maybe I’ll find out some day. :wink:

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You can get a combination lock box. I didn’t know you were so concerned about your 9 V batteries :rofl:


So the 9v battery is for if the battery in the lock is dead this will give you enough power to put your code in and unlock?

Yup. I understand there are contacts for the 9V battery on the outside.


Just curious... have you looked at the KeyWe locks?

I have not. I could check with some friends of mine who do this professionally. I just do it as a hobby.

Correct. There are two terminals at the bottom of the keypad. You just hold the 9 V up to them while you enter the code.

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Maybe this is more convenient??



Use one of your Power Banks to power the Lock for the 1-2 mins it takes to get in and then replace the batteries. :slight_smile:

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Not a bad idea. Probably wouldn’t work for my wife. She’s the only one that uses power banks and by the time she gets home, they’re almost always dead :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

However, very often one or both of us will have our laptops with us. I bought one of these a while back, but never used it. It might work just as well. I could just build my own adapter and keep it in the car.

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For those that ask about repeaters and the Schlage locks. The repeaters solved my problems for finikiness.


I kind of suspect that 5v of USB would be enough. Most of the locks have 4 batteries and that's 6v, therefore 5 would work as well as a partially used set of batteries. The reality though is the internals of the lock for managing 9v battery to 6v internal might not cope.

It's yet another thing on my "I wish I had time to look into this" list. :smiley:

The thing is.. that 9v USB adapter is almost too inexpensive to NOT try. :smiley:


Welcome to the Hubitat Community!

Very cool. Was unaware of that channel. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Nice work @diySmartHomeGuy. I’ll checkout more of your videos.


Not mine. Just came across them when I was working with mine during my wink to HE transition

It most likely just has a voltage divider. Not very efficient but it gets the voltage to where it has to be. If you're only using it for emergency purposes, efficiency really isn't a concern. But the 9v method is what the manufacturer recommends so here must be some circuitry to deal with that voltage.

I do echo that Hubitat has been both harder and finicky with the exact same locks I had in use with my Wink, as just an additional point of reference of this isn't just a Schlage issue. Having said that, since I have installed repeaters (including turning my Wink2 into one), things have gotten a lot better.

My biggest complaint TBH now post repeaters, with hubitat is the lock manager, it consistently "fails" the jobs, and I've resorted to adding/removing codes manually on the door and then performing individual actions directly on the device :(.

Well 4 days have past and the lock quit again. Pull batteries for 30 seconds and I'm back up again.