also you will need to give it a couple hours to get settled after being paired and working before Lock Code Manager will work effectively......
yeah, not sure how to set the code length... would have to look.
hubitat isn't getting manual lock/unlock actions... so yeah, clearly not working right yet. =(
There is a built in thermostat scheduling app that may give you what you want. Give that a shot.
regarding srwhite's port of the ST driver. You set the lock to that driver, do a configure, then change back to generic. Do you do that prior to programming everything, or after, or doesn't matter?
I've set it up via their built in app. With Iris it was more graphical, but I think I've got it right. I set an additional rule with a 2 AM label for it to drop the temp then, , the issue was I didn't set the time. It ran all day at the cooler temp, for the earlier 11 PM rule, not sure why it didn't change over
at 630 like it should have.
I would do it before because it might work better while you are trying to program it.
Do keep in mind this is an experiment. It works really well with the FE599 lock but I don't know if anyone has tried it with the other Schlage Z-Wave locks.
I have the same BE469's and I tried the srwhite's driver process at the beginning of my day long learning curve, it didn't seem to help mine BUT then like others nothing seemed to do it, until doing the powercycle hub, and pairing/configuring locks right next to the hub process, then I was able to use the generic zwave lock driver without any issues and all 3 paired fine, and lock code manage worked after a couple hours, originally it just let me delete the factory default codes but I couldn't add any, after a few zwave repairs and a couple hours it allowed adding them as well.
Good information, thanks.
I use it with the Schalge BE369 . Its the only thing that got my lock to working with Hubitat
So, now trying to program codes since I've done a repair or two, and let things settle.
This is all I get, and LCM just says 'Failed'.
[dev:321]( 07:42:34.758 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:32.611 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:30.369 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:28.188 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:26.017 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:24.223 pm [debug]( 12
[dev:321]( 07:42:24.220 pm [trace]( to fetch code:12
[dev:321]( 07:42:24.217 pm [info]( fetched
[dev:321]( 07:42:24.211 pm [debug]( changes to codeNumber:11, code:null, codeMap:[:]
[dev:321]( 07:42:24.202 pm [debug]( cmd: UserCodeReport(userIdentifier:11, userIdStatus:0, userCode:null)
[dev:321]( 07:42:24.188 pm [debug]( zw device: 17, command: 9881, payload: redacted
[dev:321]( 07:42:23.860 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:21.691 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:19.507 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:17.298 pm [debug]( 1
[dev:321]( 07:42:15.119 pm [debug]( 1
Basically, why is it trying to set code 1, then basically saying no change, and retrieving code 11. =/
Looking at LCM logs, it just retries over and over. Kinda wonder if it doesn't work since the length isn't being set properly.
Going to force length on the lock itself... since it doesn't act like HE is properly setting the length to 6 (entering a code fails after 4 digits)
Update: Yup. forced the code length to 6 on the lock itself (programming code, 8, then 6, and 6 again in my case (since I have 6 digit codes)). retrying failed LCM jobs immediately worked. So the "set code length" in the driver doesn't work properly...
You are the man. Did the routine as you wrote, it paired, but it wouldn't function. The hub literally on the ground below the lock. I noticed in the details "secure pairing" wasn't visible. Had a similar problem with 1 of my 2 garage door openers. I hung the hub on the door knob 2 inches below the lock and life is good.
What a frustrating experience, but it all works now!!
Thank you for this. It worked.
Think it's looking for the programmer code? I ran into this and just went to the lock too.
So I was having such a hard time getting Schlage lock paired and "working". Or should I sat working reliably. I moved my hub closer and change to All Secure Z-wave and that seemed to do it. So if you are having issues try those 2 things.
These Schalge locks are not very user friendly from a z-wave point of view. What's the obvious replacement product?
Here we are, 8 months later, and this bug still exists! . . . I just ran into a similar situation today, and eventually figured that it had to be a SetCodeLength issue, and posted about it. It was only later that I read your post, and Bingo! I copied Mike Maxwell in that post, so hopefully they will get to it - next year . . .
I switched to the yale locks with z-wave. Haven't looked back