Just switched over from my Wink hub to HE that arrived yesterday. So far so good, only took me an hour or so to get everything up and running!
One thing I haven't been able to find, however. HE has a good driver for my Schlage BE469 locks, however, that driver doesn't have a way to set alarm parameters (enable/disable beeper, set alarm sensitivity, etc). This was something I could do on my Wink pretty easily and was very handy as sometimes I'd need to disable the alarm temporarily. I'm not looking for anything fancy or automation with it - just the ability to send the commands (even sending parameters manually would be fine). All the Z-Wave Parameters are listed on Schlage's website (this forum won't let me post a link, but it shows up quickly if you google search for: schlage lock zwave command alarm).
I don't know how to write custom drivers, but seems like the stock Schlage BE driver could be updated pretty easily to at least allow for querying / setting the alarm parameters (or maybe it does and I'm just missing it?) Either way, would appreciate some help!
I have the BE469 as well but I have not used any functions that the built in driver doesn’t support so I am not a lot of help.
I conjunction with the driver I also use the built in lock code manager.
I do know that if it’s just a one time setup, any option you want to change can be done at the lock itself. For instance I found I had to increase the entry code length to 6 at the lock. The driver had this option but it didn’t write the correct setting in the lock, so I had to change it in both locations to work.
Also, somewhere on the forum there is a strip z-wave driver. Temporary switching to this driver you can peek and poke any setting in your device and then switch back to the proper driver when you are done. I looked but could not find it. Maybe someone else can chime in. And I don’t know if this setup driver is compatible with locks or not.
Use this driver provided by @mike.maxwell (basic Z-wave parameter tool) to set any z-wave parameters you want and then switch back to the BE468/BE469 zwave lock driver. Remember to push the configure button on the device page after switching back the the Schlage driver.
Thank you for the suggestions. I tried the super basic Z-Wave parameter tool, which seemed promising, but it doesn't appear to do anything. For example, I tried to query parameter #3 (which should respond with a 0 or 1 to indicate if the beeper is enabled or not according to the documentation) using the Get Parameter Report button. But it doesn't appear to respond with anything. None of the other buttons appear to do anything either. I haven't tried using set parameter, mostly because I don't want to set something accidentally until I feel comfortable that it is working correctly.
I should probably note too that I tried using the basic Z-Wave parameter tool with my GE Z-Wave switches and seemed to do the same thing (doesn't seem to do anything). Note that all of these devices work fine with the normal driver so I know they're within range and paired correctly.
That was it! I didn't realize the result was in the logs. I can now enable / disable the alarm using the Basic Z-Wave tool. For the benefit of anyone else who wishes to do this in the future, here's a quick rundown of what I was able to do:
Install the driver code listed above (thanks again for the link!)
Temporarily set your lock to use the "Basic Z-Wave tool" driver in the devices page
Open the Logs in Hubitat (I opened it in a 2nd tab so I can view it along with the controls in the device page)
The alarm mode is parameter 7, alert sensitivity is parameter 8, tamper sensitivity is parameter 9, and kick sensitivity is parameter 10. You can query the current values for these using the "Get Parameter Report" button
To set the alarm mode, use the following values in the Set Parameter button:
parameterNumber: 7
size: 1
0 for Off
1 for Alert
2 for Tamper
3 for Forced Entry
Sensitivity value ranges are 1 (most sensitive) through 5 (least sensitive)
Hopefully this info will be helpful to someone in the future that wishes to change these parameters over Z-Wave. It would be great if this could be incorporated into the Schlage BE469 driver directly someday, but this at least gets me the functionality I need.
Has anyone managed to update the driver to include these settings? I jumped ship from SmartThings, and loved that I could automatically set the locks to tamper in night mode.
I wish that it was included in the driver, but unfortunately it has not been. I can't imagine it would be hard to add - I posted all the technical info that should be needed to do it above, but to my knowledge it has not been incorporated. I frequently need to change the alarm setting as well, so I use the generic Z-Wave driver to enter the appropriate commands. This gets me by, but it is very cumbersome and cannot be automated. If someone is a Hubitat developer on this thread with access to the current Schlage BE469 driver source code and willing to put in these couple of commands I would be more than willing to beta test the driver and confirm its functionality with my locks.
The BE468 and BE469 have a common driver. Many of these parameters aren’t shared between the BE468 and BE469. So, while I appreciate why you’d like to see these commands exposed in that driver, there’s a strong potential for all sorts of mishappenings.
Therefore, I think it is unlikely we’ll see these commands exposed in that common driver.
Just ran into this issue my 469 had the alarm get enabled somehow. Could not disable it with the button. Had to jump through the Basic Z-Wave tools driver swap out to turn it off and then swap back. It would be nice to get it on the driver. If that means splitting the 468 and 469 into two or just adding a 469 with the added functionality it sure would be great.
I wound up taking a driver I found somewhere (I don't remember where for sure or I would give credit) and then added the BE469 functions to it myself. Here is the code if you want to use it. You just have to add it as a custom driver to habitat. Hope it helps!
Edit: I tried posting the code directly but that did not work well. Use the link in my reply below instead to get the driver source code.
Thanks, I have a universal z-wave lock driver in progress but it is sort of a PITA for locks. I seem to have small issues with all the built in lock drivers (I have 3 different types of locks). I can use yours as a sample to give me some ideas.
Will give it a try. The option to Poll does return an error but it looks like I can set alarm on and off and the sensitivity so the polling error isn't a problem and it's better than what was available. Thanks!
Think I may get a new lock as it seems that the alarm mode keeps getting turned back on randomly so I think the alarm switch may be flaky.