Samsung SmartThings refrigerator

Hey guys,

I have installed the community Google Home app and thats working great. I was placing the temp sensors I bought into my Samsung fridge and noticed it had a smarthings label and temp sensor on the inside.

So I put it on wifi and loaded into smart things and I can see Refrigerator Temp, Freezer Temp and Water Filter status in SmartThings. But when I link to google home, I dont see any of that

So I went looking for a driver for HE and I barely see any mention of Samsung, Smartthings, or refrigerators, Aside from this Integrating Samsung Washer & Dryer

How are people doing this with wifi enabled refrigerators? All I am interested in right now is seeing the temp on my GH dashboard

Look for HubiThings Replica to bring those devices into Hubitat from SmartThings.


This is actually a much more comprehensive thread going back and forth with Dave than the one you linked.

That said, the drivers we worked on getting up and running are rolled into that other release mentioned above. I'm sure one of those threads can get you where you want to go.

This is perfect. I am able to see all of my sensor information from ST now, once I configured HubiThings.

Final Question, I think.

I am not able to see the devices that HubiThings created in the Community Google Home app. Is that expected?

Is it possible to create a nested device in there? Id like to create a tile for Samsung Refrigerator and then have it break out from there. Example

Samsung Refrigerator
Refrigerator .......................Freezer
| ..................................... |
Temp = 37 .........................Temp = 0
Door = closed...................Door = Closed
WaterFilter = 50

Have you added them to the app?

I had the wrong device type selected. Using 'Contact Sensor' let it show.

Still learning how to do this correctly, thank you

Hopefully Nested tiles is possible

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