Samsung Hubitat TV Integration (2016 and later)


If you need real time communication, subscriptions to SmartThings cloud is required. See Dave’s drivers here using the HubiThings Replica framework.

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For the TV itself, The off is determined by the state of a poll to port 8001. It first goes to Standby and then goes silent (the wifi goes to sleep). I wait until the wifi goes to sleep. If not, you can get into a wierd state.

The opposite is true for on. A WOL command is sent and verified by the power state going to on. I then set the status on and determine the on-state for the display (ambient, artMode, tv).

SmartThings does the same thing for on. It uses the WOL to turn on and the 8001 poll result to determine on/standby state (with a timeout being off).

I have updated Remote Builder to add a profile for the latest update to @djgutheinz amazing Samsung TV driver.

You just need to re-apply the profile for the new driver to have it take effect and use the new command set. BTW The newest version of Dave's driver is 2.3.9 to align with the platform version. Version 4.1-2 is the older version.

For those not familiar with Remote Builder its a way to control household devices using simple and realistic remotes that can be run from any device or put into the Hubitat Dashboard.

For example, this is the TV Remote.


When I go to HPM, it tells me Updates are Available for this package. However, it says I have 4.1-2 installed, and that the current update is 2.3.9. This seems incorrect and thus I did not install the "update". Screenshot below.


Anyone know what is going on and how I fix this? What is the proper current version of the Samsung Hubitat TV Integration?

2.3.9 is the latest version mate, the numbering has changed to align with the platform version. 4.1-2 is the older version.