Samsung Hubitat TV Integration (2016 and later)

Wow that was quick!

Initial testing is working great. Not only do I now get Channel Number but Channel Name too.

Will have a proper look around later.

Great work, Thanks very much :+1:

Just tried toggle sound mode and get the following:

errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method size() on null object on line 737 (method toggleSoundMode)

do a Save Preferences again. This relies on both the SmartThings Integration(API Key and device ID) plus the save preferences. Save preferences creates the state.soundMode.

If that does not work, turn on debugLog for 30 minutes and try again. I need those logs to determine what the issue may be. PM the logs to me.

Below are my state variables after the update on my operational Hubitat.

The second save preferences did it. Working now. Thanks again

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This is awesome! Everything works when I’m controlling the remote from devices. I can set by name the picture mode, it’s perfect. Where I’m having a hard time, is figuring out the virtual buttons. I have a virtual button setup with two switches. One for dynamic the other for filmmaker mode. Where would I setup the rules? Thanks again!

I think I figured it out. I changed from button to a switch and added button 45 in driver code for filmmaker mode. Added to Siri as tv brightness. Now can say tv bright on or off. Wife will be very happy. Thanks again!

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I'm pretty sure this is nothing to do with this driver, but has anyone else with a Samsung TV noticed a strange power "blip" 2 hours after turning it off? I have noticed this often and this is in the events log of this driver for today:

|switch|off|||DEVICE||2022-07-25 12:28:30.061 PM BST|
|switch|on|||DEVICE||2022-07-25 12:26:25.131 PM BST|
|switch|off|||DEVICE||2022-07-25 10:26:30.088 AM BST|

The 10.26 am is when the TV was turned off via IR and then no one was in the house at the 12:26/12:28 events.

I have the TV connected via a power socket which also shows a power blip at 12:26 with power consumption of 23W against a typical standby power of 0.3W. But 23W is less than when the TV is properly on when it consumes typically between 40W and 120W. It's like the TV is waking itself up into a sort of half on/half off mode.

Anyone any idea what is causing this? It makes it difficult to use the on/off feature of this device to base any logic on when it is apparently randomly turning itself on and off.

I see the same thing. Not sure where it is coming from. It may be doing housekeeping on the wifi interface from Samsung.

Edit: That is one of the reasons I put my TV Set on a SmartPlug. I also put my fireTV cube on one. It precludes this type of "housekeeping".

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BTW, I created the below phone dashboard (three tiles wide and scrolling for other tiles. It requires some added attributes in the file for the music player to provide: channel/channeName, level control, and use prev/next track for channel up/down.


@djgutheinz : For us newbies...
Could you please add to the instructions step 4b that on the HE, go to Drivers, and Click Virtual, etc.?
Also, a bit more specifics about Step 5 would be helpful:
a. Clarify that Preferences is in the Driver setup window.
b. Where do you open a logging window and why? Can't you just click "Save Preferences" in the driver window?
And for Step 6, I did not have to do anything. My TV is a 2021 Samsung Frame model, and the remote is the "Smart Remote" which has no button known as a "Menu" button. Did not matter as I did not need to press anything. Somehow this automatically connected to my TV. Maybe it was turning the TV on/or of some press of buttons, but I never received a screen on the TV to select "Allow." However it is clearly connected!


I've just noticed that on the latest driver version the mute status in the driver doesn't update. The commands mute and unmute work fine, but the status always remains at "unmuted". This is also true if I mute the TV via IR. I've tried doing a refresh but that doesn't help. It was definitely working on the previous version.

Fixed in quickFix 3.0.1. Since you installed 3.0 yesterday, to update:

In HPM do a REPAIR on the driver.
Manually, replace the code.


Doing minor updates to procedures and added following note:
Note: For new users, some of the items used in the directions assume you have read the Hubitat documentation:

  1. DeviceDetail:
  2. AddDevice:

See note above on Device Details. Additionally, you may need the logging window to report errors on installation and for capture of data for further steps in the installation process.

Noted. However, the instructions stand as stated.

I've just updated and now working fine :+1:

While on the subject of mute, do some TVs actually have discrete commands for mute and unmute?

On mine both mute and unmute simply toggle the existing condition regardless of current mute state.

Could the driver be modified to use the existing state of mute so that mute only mutes if not already muted and unmute vice versa? (I worry I don't have enough uses of the word mute in that sentence!)

I know I can do this with my own logic outside of the driver, but it would be a nice additional feature if the driver could do it automatically.

Actually, the mute-unmute is a requirement of the Hubitat Capability Samsung TV. In reality, for the remote interface both commands send the key Mute which will toggle the state on the TV.

See above. Consider both buttons as a toggle for mute. No need to check state - it will toggle the interface (same as on the physical remote control pressing the volume button straight down). The state mute is derived from the optional STs interface; therefore, I do not use it other than to display the mute status.

Source: The Source command is also a toggle using the key SOURCE. Pressing it once opens the Source window on the display. The second (and subsequent presses) go to the available sources, as indicated on the display.

Dashboard: Finally, the new version has added attributes and commands to make the device compatible with the "Music Player" tile in Hubitat Dashboards. It allows volume and mute control plus the left/right at the top are channel down/channel up. Finally, when using the digitalTV source, it displays the channel and channel name. See example several posts up.

Thanks for the explanation. Final question (I promise!) Should "show message" pop up a message on the TV screen and if so is it model dependant? Ive just tried with Test in the top text box but nothing shows up on my TV and the logs have the following error:

-07-26 02:57:45.204 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_davegut_Samsung_TV_Remote_510.showMessage() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [Test] Possible solutions: showMessage(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), sendMessage(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) (method showMessage)

Show message is NOT implemented. It is part of the Capability but there was no obvious way to code it. The error message you see is as good as any other to say it is not available.

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If the "On" function or WOL "Boot me up Scottie" doesn't work, try [[RELEASE] WAKE ON LAN - wake/boot up your computers via the hub]. Works great!

Thanks. I have read the documentation and have installed drivers and added devices before.
The issue is that the entire Hubitat experience is confusing for those that may only use it infrequently.

  • By directing me to install the TV Integration with HPM, I figured it was an app (because HPM is in the apps section).
  • The additional info I needed was that I then needed to go to Devices and add a device. I did not understand this integration works by adding a device. Once I figured that out, it was much better.