Same as everyone else .121 zigbee issues

Just got a whole passel of these:

...then a SEVERE LOAD warning. It was all I could do to get into the UI to reboot.

All the rules throwing the warnings are attempting to change the color of Zigbee RGBW strips.

this is just 2cents - the zigbee issues - the first post I saw was about sengleds, then I read about certain switches and sensors - as the ever expanding list of problems related to c8 and zigbee grew, c7 people also reported problems.
I suspect this is a 2 component relationship problem. Like, if you have Sengled and Tuya, or whatever. thats why they aren't finding it. My troubles all began with the c8 release (I'm c7). when it first came out was when I had my first hub lockups. Related? No idea but it would be nice to have the comunity add additional info about what is in their nets to look for possible combination issues. Every one recall the Peanut repeaters and how long it took to learn what the hell was the root of that one?! I do.

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Not sure if this is any help to those affected by this.

This morning I changed out 3 Sengled Element Classic smart bulbs for 3 Ikea Tradfri Advanced CT Smart bulbs.

The Ikea Tradfri bulbs were added to the C8 without issue.

Used the "Swap Apps Device" tool put the new bulbs into my existing rules, then removed the old bulbs from the C8.

I just took one of the removed Sengled Element Classic bulbs, reset it, and successfully added it back to my C8 without issue.

My C8 is running on Channel 20.

Having ZigBee issues with Sengled Elements Classic bulbs also

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You can use this column to temporarily stop the rules that are causing the issues from on the box:


I'm afraid I can't help w/that specific error, but I suspect posting one of the rules that is throwing these errors will help others here to help you troubleshoot.

Have you confirmed that the light strips on question are online and responding from their Device pages?

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Thanks for the suggestions. The strips are all online, and working fine now - I cut down their random changes to once every two minutes, instead of every minute, and I'm no longer getting the overloads.

This code's been working fine for a couple of months now, so I'm not sure what changed, but I'll keep an eye on it.

...on top of which, our neighborhood just went out, and we're on the generator. When it rains... :grinning:


Maybe if things are stable you can start creeping back...90 seconds? :slight_smile:

Seems like par for the course, universe is taking a whack at you today. That means tomorrow will be great when it's someone else's turn. :wink:

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I think I'll adjust to 2 minutes. We'll see.

Actually the first "live" test of the generator since we moved into this house, and it performed flawlessly. We're gonna put that in the WIN column. :+1:

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Well more good news... nothing dropped off in the last 24 hours! I'm cautiously optimistic that we may see the light at the end of the tunnel on these zigbee issues.


Did you do something new that seemed to help? I went 3 or 4 days and was hopeful then things started to go bad again.

I just went around the house and re-paired anything that had fallen off. Each day that passed yielded fewer and fewer until the last couple of days there have been none. In each case I pulled the battery, did a full reset if one was available, and then re-paired. After each re-pairing I confirmed that the hub was actually receiving alerts. Some had to be done more than once.


I have been trying the same. Removing from Hubitat, Resetting, Powering down device, then pairing again. What concerns me is that, like you, some of these devices took some tricks and patience to pair. These same devices paired instantly on my C-7, leading me to wonder if the ZigBee system in the C-8 is not as robust for some as yet unknown reason (hardware or software related???). This round is probably my last try before going back to my C-7.

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I have no idea if this will help, but I found that if I put my Hue motion sensor right next to the hub for a firmware update, it wouldn't work. If I put it next to a repeater, it did.

There's absolutely no doubt (at least not in my fragile mind) that there are flaws in the zigbee stack on the C8 - and the folks at Hubitat have been trying to resolve them. That's basically been the focus of the last half dozen or so firmware updates. That being said we all really hope it's software and can be resolved. There definitely seem to be incremental improvements in the last few releases so I'm hopeful. I have, though, both with zwave and zigbee, moved some problematic critical devices back to a C7. Having an unreliable z-wave mesh while you're trying to close a water valve to prevent water damage is not OK.

Yeah I was that way a week ago... like WTF why am I wasting my time on this nonsense. The effort would be better spent getting back to my stable C7. And then things started to improve. But the fallback to the C7 is manual - at least on zigbee. All your devices would have to be re-paired. That's a ton of work.

So I guess my advice is if you have not made the migration and you have a low tolerance for risk, wait. But if you have made the migration also wait before failing back.

The real question is why do some (most?) people have a smooth migration and the rest of us plummet to the depths of Tartarus in a Sisyphean effort to keep our Zigbee and Z-Wave networks running?


That's what has held me back so far, but in the end, I'm basically doing that anyway right now on my C-8. That's what has me on the verge of throwing in the towel. If I have to keep re-pairing devices over and over again, I might as well bite the bullet and do it on the C-7. In hindsight, with all the time I have spent trying to get my C-8 working, I could have had my C-7 back in service again. Another alternative I'm considering is turning on my C-7 and just moving problem ZigBee devices to it one at a time and running a Hubitat mesh. Kind of keeping one foot on both sides as this all continues to play out.

If I decide I've had enough and move back to C-7, My understanding is that restoring from cloud to C-7 will bring everything over. Z-Wave should be good to go, and ZigBee devices will need to be paired again but will fall right into place. All my switches are Caseta - I'm not sure if those work after restore.

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That is my understanding as well. Though you will have to shut down the zigbee radio on the C8 or move it to a different channel.

It's Lutron. They work. They always work.

Yeah I did that with my most critical outdoor sensor - the one that turns on my front lights. But the problem is you won't necessarily be able to build a solid zigbee mesh on your C7 without lots of repeating devices, so either you have to get out a whole bunch of spare line powered devices and pair them to the C7 or you have to rob them from the C8 - in which case you may eventually just have two poor meshes neither one with enough repeating devices to really be solid. In my case I got lucky and the devices I moved all have direct routes to the C7.


I wonder this also. I haven't had nearly as many issues as some people. My z-wave has been great. No problem there at all. Zigbee... the only real problem child was my outdoor Hue. It dropped off repeatedly and so often I moved it back to my C-5 and meshed them until .118 (I think it was). But it's been OK for several days now. (I still have my little screwdriver right here, just in case.)

Only one other device dropped off: a Hue indoor sensor. And it only dropped off once and repaired immediately.

Weirdly enough, a Hue indoor sensor that dropped off all the time on the C-5 — so much so that I have a backup sensor in that location — has been absolutely fine. And no other zigbee device has been a problem at all.

Why did I get "lucky" (relatively speaking)?

With the C8 there does seem to be more than the usual amount of odd/hard to explain "luck" regarding who has few issues and who has more problems.

Curious, When I migrated from C7 to C8 I simply tuned off my C7. Might the devices remain on the C7 if powered up again (with the C8 unpowered). Seems like it wouldn't but I'm not sure why I feel that way.

IF you didn't clear the C-7's Zigbee and ZWave radios, then yes, if you turn on the C-7, it will want to communicate with the devices.

You can turn the C-7 on, and reset the Z-radios individually, and also change the channel of the Zigbee radio, recognizing that while both are on, some automations might get confused. So pick an ideal time when not much would be going on and get the resets done with no delay. After that, do a soft reset and NOT do a restore. At that point, you can leave the C-7 on day and night with no problems, assuming you keep them a foot or more apart.

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