It had been getting a little twitchy on battery replacements, so I'd tinkered with my driver thinking it was my fault. Sometimes it would forget it was connected to a mesh after the battery was swapped, so I would reset it and it would take an age to leave pairing mode.
This time around no amount of resetting and re-pairing would get it to leave pairing mode, even after it had been detected by Hubitat and yelled at by my driver. Every other identical sensor behaves with no issues, so I'm guessing that the EM250's flash storage is simply kaput and no longer storing the mesh details.
Ah, well!
The little 8-pin 9801M IC is the temperature sensor.
Where are you seeing that FAQ? I just get a blank site here.
They certainly didn’t go down in flames from my point of view. As a tech startup they were really very successful.
In the end the whole company and platform was purchased by British Gas who provided their Hive system for free to AlertMe customers (who hadn’t been charged for the service for years by that point).
Unfortunately Hive didn’t support the old devices, though they easily could have, which I certainly don’t attribute to the AlertMe team. Spoken with a number of the original tech guys over the years and they’re great.
The Hive box is still my thermostat and boiler controller, though I still have delusions of porting it to Hubitat one day.
Whether flash memory or ROM, memory chips have a finite number of read-write cycles. That is why SSD manufacturers tell you not to use defrag programs that reorder the files on the drive. Grouping file segments was helpful on mechanical drives to speed up reads. Solid state drives do not read segments sequentially, so defragmenting the drive does not improve speed. However, it does generate lots of read/write cycles that shorten drive life.
I just hope my SSDs get 14 years of life before failure.
LOL...I can feel your pain through the interwebs! Sending a Mesh Hug to you and your family in these trying times. Be strong, be brave, and always remember your little PCB.
Time to sit down with a cup'o'tea and rant to who ever will listen about how stuff would last for a billon years back in the good old days not like this modern junk.