Rules broken, Rule Machine 4.0 confusing

Hi, I only have one z-wave contact installed on my front door, I had created a rule in RM3.0

If front door is opened between 11pm and 6am to send notification to my phone.

Since Hubitat is updated to version this rule has stopped working.

I am trying to recreated the same rule in RM4.0 but I can’t figure it out, it seems Hubitat is moving towards enthusiast market rather than general market.

Any able to PLEASE help me with this.

I am creating a new rule in RM4.0, I call it ‘Test Front Door’, next I select Trigger Event ‘Contact’ and select z-wave contact sensor named ‘Front Door Sensor’ and click Done.

Next, I select an Event Trigger – ‘Certain Time’ and select Sunset to Sunrise and click done.

Next, I select Action to Run, I select Send, Speak or Log… action and select Send or Speak Message, type in a message example ‘Front door was opened at this time’, however I get stuck since there is no save button for this action, what am I doing wrong?

Rule Machine 3.0 was much simpler.

Thank you in advance.

Your trigger should be the contact opening, not the time of day. Time of day should be in the conditions for rule evaluation:

Trigger: front door contact opens
Action: If TIME between 11pm and 6am THEN
send notification


The above provides a solution that should work to do this in Rule Machine, but is there a reason you're using RM in the first place? The built-in Notifications app is much easier to use for this purpose and can do everything you mentioned. Built-in apps are what I'd recommend before resorting to Rule Machine, which I'd consider an advanced tool you can use to create custom automations when another app is unable to do what you want. Rule 3.0 and 4.0 are different but I'm not sure either is "simpler" aside from the one you're familiar with--neither is inherently simple, but luckily Hubitat includes lots of native apps. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your prompt reply, I tried AndrewL's suggestion still couldn't get it to work, but was able to use Notifications app, I was not aware of this app, guessing it is a new feature, don't recall seeing it a year ago?

I had difficulty adding my phone, don't know how suddenly it started working, since I only have one contact might do a factory rested and start over just to know what I did for the phone to work.

You are aware that SMS notifications no longer work, right? Changes to SMS notification service You should be using the Hubitat app for notifcations or something else like Pushover or Twilio?

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You have to select a notification device before it will allow you to save.

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I installed Hubitat app for Android but my phone LG g7 was not showing in devices list, restarted the phone and Hubitat few times no luck, uninstalled the Hubitat app and installed again, after sometime the phone populated in the list but don't know what I did.

Will try again as I want to add one more contact and my Schlage lock.

If you go into the settings on the app it should list the "device name" at which it sends notifications to.

That same device should be listed on your devices page of your hub. Which is the one that "should" populate when you select the notifications drop down.

It may take it a bit for the cloud to sync

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