Rule Machine Misses Devices and is Slow

question ... i notice in this case and in mine the lights giving issues were enbrighten.. i know there were changes to the dimmer driver in 2.2.4 , were there also changes to the normal enbrighten smart switch driver?

I've had to do the same delay trick with the rules for my zwave locks to get them to respond correctly.

I wish there was a way where we could see the z-wave command cue or pipeline or something in the logs so we could see when things are getting backed up. Any additional info would help bring more visibility into problem areas that would need to be fixed.

I resorted to this and once things settle down, it seems to work fairly well. Just don't do all the commands together and you'll be ok like you said.

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any progrss on this front.. i can reinstall .. older f/w has no issues on my hub.

Have not had any more progress. I’m guessing it will require an update to fix it. Any time I operate multiple devices at the same time, I delay each one by 1 second and that greatly reduces the chance of things screwing up but it lengthens the time to carry out the task. I guess it will work until they fix it.

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I wanted to report back on this thread that my serialized rule for turning on lights missed some last night and it took a long time for six lights to turn on even though their commands are spaced out by 1 second each. It is indeed better than blasting them all out at once but it is not without some issues as well. I think the RM4 just has some things that need to get fixed. I wish there were some logs or something that I could get that would help.

I also turned the all at once rule back on and paused the serialized rules. All the lights were on and when I hit the switch, it missed three of the lights. Here is the log:

These are not RM issues. Turn on Action logging in the rule, you can see exactly what it does. If it logs that it sent a command, it sent that command at that time. You have Z-Wave problems, not RM problems. These sorts of problems tend to show up first as if the app involved is the problem. But, when you turn on logging and compare what the app does and what the device does, you will discover the issue is with the device.

Although you think it helps, there is no need to stagger on commands like you are doing. If this helps, that is just further evidence of a Z-Wave problem.

I think I figured this out just a bit ago in another thread over here: I can trigger route changes, just by spamming a light switch

Ah, commands not getting through to the device.

I guess so. Sounds like there is a fix in the works. Hoping to get to check it out soon and see how it works.

Want to do whatever I can to help this product out, just came from SmartThings and I was just over it. I really want this product to succeed.

If I push back when you diagnose an issue, I do so because it's important to get to the root cause and truth of what's going on. Apps appear to be at fault whenever something doesn't work as expected as they are 'top' of mind. And, sometimes they are at fault, as there are always going to be bugs that someone first reveals. But, bear in mind that many aspects, most mainstream aspects of these apps have been used so much by so many users so many thousands of times that they aren't just going to mysteriously not work (ha! unless one of us steps in it and introduces a new bug, which does happen).


Completely get it and I don't mind at all. Due to me being uneducated on how the platform works, I can go in the wrong direction. I was attempting to get down to some root cause data this morning by repeatedly sending a single device an OFF message over and over which was able to replicate the issue I was seeing. That is what removed RM and any other apps from the picture. Feel free to push back and tell me exactly what is needed - I understand the process - being a QA Manager and in QA for 30 years, the direction is very much welcome.

Logs are your friend.


Did this ever get resolved?

I'm sorry but I felt that the product was just too young and had too many stability issues so I returned it and went a different direction. I think it has a lot of promise but I think more focus needs to be on stability. I struggled to even get the basic functionality of about 15 z-wave devices working reliably. I spent hours trying to make it work well. Those same devices are rock solid with another solution so that tells me it wasn't my devices.

NO apology necessary, I totally get it.Seems most of HA devices are just not ready for primetime.
What did you settle on , Home Assistant?

It's really a shame, this platform has so much potential


I did - I went with Home Assistant. I spent $50 or whatever it was on a Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 for Z-Wave and run HA from a VM on an old laptop and it works awesome. All sorts of support and the Z-wave functionality has really been fantastic - and rock solid.

I had issues with Hubitat "rotting" over time and I needed to reboot ever 3 days to bring it back in line. They did some updates end of last year, and now I no longer have any issues. Previously everything logged fine, but there was a ~2 second delay from a trigger to event.

Are you running the latest updates?

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