Rule Machine Misses Devices and is Slow

It would a lot easier to diagnose what's going on if you removed all of the delays, and just turn on the lights in one action in the rule.

Please do that and post the logs. Why are some of the lights turning off in the logs you showed?

Let me do that and post the log. Give me a few.

Here is the latest. Obviously ignore the entries for the Konnected devices.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Things actually working OK

You mean almost a minute. If it was within a second, I wouldn't have an issue with it.

I have never rolled back. I'm on v2.2.4.148.

Was the last logs I posted helpful at all?

Yeah, there is clearly something wrong.

Just a thought, could you disable those rules that are spamming your logs? Do you know how to do that on the Apps List page? See upper right corner for shaded X, and click it. Then disable those rules by clicking on the check box just left of each rule. I want to reduce the problem set, to isolate what's going on.

This would be a good thing, to rule out that these delays are being caused by something else in your system.

@Allistah can you trigger your actions one more time for me, so I can capture something in logs?

Ok just ran it. Looks like it missed Back Porch Lights.

Even though I triggered the rule, Back Yard Lights is actually on, but the dashboard shows it as off and I don't see it in the logs in this last trigger I just did.

Please post the logs.

I cut out the noise from the Konnected devices. There were no other events in the log for these devices after I triggered it, except these.

Thanks. 8 seconds, followed by 3 on reports? Very odd. What kind of device is Bocce Lights North? What driver?

Bocce North and South Lights are:

"Enbrighten, Light Almond, Plus Smart Receptacle, Works with Alexa, Google Assistant, Tamper-Resistant, 1 Z-Wave + 1 Always On Outlet, ZWave Hub Required, 14297"

When they were discovered, they came up with the "Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch" driver. I looked to see if there was another driver I could see that would be more fitting but didn't see anything obvious so I left it on that generic one.

I also want to add that I just looked to make sure that I do not have any other rules with these devices running. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything else goofy going on that I didn't tell you about.

And please confirm that you did not touch the Bocce Light North switch to turn it on? The two physical on reports are odd, to say the least. We will look into this further to try to understand the root cause.

Confirming that I did not turn them on via software or anything else. All I did was flip the physical Office Porch Light switch to ON.

At this point I'm not doing anything unless you tell me to.

Breathe, relax, enjoy Thanksgiving, promote peace.... hmmm, what else? :innocent:

All good. I just appreciate the help and want to make the most of your time. :slight_smile:

Anything else I can do on this end to help?

I turned them off. Wife kept asking me why the lights were on. lol. :wink: