Rotenso Teta AirCondition

Hey Guys,
Im looking for a way to integrate rotenso teta air-condition wifi with hubitat. Im currently using smartlife - smarthome application


for connecting and managing device … of course it would be good to integrate it abyhow with my main home system - HE. Any clue?

Thank you

You could try the [BETA] Tuya Cloud Driver (Limited device support).

Hi. Thanks - Let me check :slight_smile:

If the Tuya cloud integration is too limited, there is an alternative solution - purchase a cheap Tuya IR blaster, and control the AC this way - 100% locally.

Search on AliExpress for "Tuya IR Zigbee"
Make sure you order a Zigbee model.

I was able to make the integration working but it turned out that it is very limited so Im able mostly to switch the air-condition unit on/off. I was thinking that it will be able to switch on/off + at least to change mode cool/heat and set temperature but it looks like it does not work. I will look at tuya ir - thank you for good hint :wink:

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