Rooms Manager: Smarter Rooms: Personalized home automation with Occupancy

which driver are you using? and are you using just the fan settings not thermostat or room cool/heat switches?

right … that should do it. if it doesnt let me know and i will check it out.

Here's the fan controller:

I'll give it a shot tonight/tomorrow with that override option set, see how it goes in the morning :smile:

that should work … i know other users who are using the same one. are you using just the fan settings not thermostat or room cool/heat switches?

cool. that should do it :slight_smile:

EDIT: do you have a rule setup for fan speed control?

In switching a couple more of my rule machine rules over to rooms manager, I have thought of one feature that I haven't found... Is there a way to fade the lights on when activating a rule? I had the basement bathroom light fade on with my old rule machine rule, which is nice when coming in from an already dark room, and is a bit jarring when it just clicks on to 100%. (Using a GE zwave dimmer switch there, so it only does a quick fade if it gets an on/off command, but set level immediately jumps to that level)

Edit: The dining room uses the same type of dimmer switch, and it would be nice to have it fade on when triggered. I used to accomplish this in a webcore piston by checking if the level of the device is already what I want it to be, and then just issuing an on command instead of set level. It's still a little jarring when it first changes to a different level, like the first time it's running after changing to Day from Night mode, but it's pleasant after that.

I'm new to this and trying to figure out how to trigger holiday lights. The goal is for a color led bulb to turn on in the morning and rotate colors for a set time and then turn off.

I entered info in the HL part of rooms manager for the room that I have set up.

I tried to create a rule in "maintain rules", but I never found HL as an option. I also tried in rule machine, but also never found the HL that I set up. Any help is appreciated.

folks seem to love fade up and downs so will work on that next. :slight_smile:

as you may have seen already currently working on a couple more performance optimizations to release fri/sat then will move on to fades.

thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks for the quick reply. Is there currently a way to trigger without fade up? Fade up would be awesome if you work it out.

oops sorry i missed your previous post. when creating rules you should be able to set the set level to HL color string names previously defined under holiday light settings. that should trigger it based on the rest of the rule.

on the topic … in the rule date is treated special when yyyy or YYYY is specified as the year part of the date. yyyy is treated as current year and YYYY is treated as next year.

so for christmas thru new year I use 12/15/yyyy to 1/3/YYYY which will translate to 12/15/2018 to 1/3/2019 then 12/15/2019 to 1/3/2020 and so on.

yeah will get fades worked out. :slight_smile:

Are the color values for a HL supposed to be like this? 5, 20, 50, 30, 150

I found the HL name in set level, but it's still not firing.

the colors should be color names.

sorry traveling this weekend ... will update in detail when back.

What's the easiest way to temporarily lock a room via Alexa, my wife was reading on the couch last night, and the normally helpful automatic levels and color temp were slowly fading the lights down. If I could have her say "Alexa, turn living room lock on" or something, that would be great, just not sure on the details on the back end.

Are all of the room modes "buttons" in HE? Have you had any experience in setting up Alexa -> HE for button presses? as opposed to turning on / off switches?

sorry for the delayed response … had taken the ~weekend off to drop kid off to college.

back now … will respond here and to PMs later tonight.

did you get the rule setup for fan control?

how is the override option working?

heres what the color settings should look like for each color string.

these color strings are manually entered comma separated color names. all common color names should work.

i will probably switch this to selecting color names from a color list and build the string that way. but for now this should work.

the rooms occupancy device supports switch capability. does alexa recognize the device as a switch and are you able to ask alexa to turn on and off the "switch"?

Override was going ok, though I did end up making a Morning mode, which gets switched to Day mode after 9:00am, in which only a few of the rooms have automations enabled (i.e. the kitchen, hallway). I haven't gone back to looking at the fan yet, as the rule machine is working fine for that.

Now that you mention the switch capability, I think I remember seeing that setting of selecting which mode to put the room into when switching the room on. I'll see about giving that a try, having it change Locked, and maybe give these rooms a shorter 1 hour Locked timeout.

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or try using alexa to set the room occupancy device to on and in settings set on = locked. that should also do the trick.


Version: 0.90.0

DONE:   9/20/2018
1) more optimizations for speed:
	- optimized how events are processed.
	- moved interval processing of room switches to individual rooms instead of from rooms manager.
	- moved timer/countdown handling to the device driver from the rooms child app.
	- for battery and device connectivity monitoring devices are now specified only in rooms manager and not collected from individual rooms.
	- optimized how scheduling is handled and how many timers are used.
	- reduced code size further to ~263K.
	- various other code optimizations.
2) switched to using single regularly scheduled timer for both ST and HE for different reasons:
	- on ST because when ST infrastructure is under stress random processing can take really long and quickly get over the 20 second timeout.
	- on HE because all timers are blocking and i dont want any individual timer running for more than 1 second like when device monitoring check.
	- this allows rescheduling these kind of tasks after 10 seconds and 1 second of processing on ST and HE respectively.
3) thermostat indicator fix for manage vents only mode.
4) removed the lock only capability on ST because it causes issue with Alexa turning on and off the rooms occupancy device.
4) few other tweaks here and there.

EDIT: after updating to the latest if any particular room throws an error please open the room from rooms manager app and save it. then check if there are still errors. i always try to make all changes backwards compatible with existing code but with schedule handling changes there may be some edge cases which still require saving the settings to get everything reset to the new.

Well mate, i'm noticing a huge difference in speed. Looking good!

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you better. :grin:

spent a bunch of time working performance. had to handle it differently on ST vs HE.

thanks man!