SmartThings convert here. Also use Hue lighting with the bridge. When I came over to Hubitat, I pulled my Hue motions sensor off the the Hue Bridge and connected them to Hubitat so that I could use them in ways I couldn’t on the Hue Bridge. (The bulbs are still on the bridge) I’m using the Room Lighting app to manage my motion settings. I’ve noticed inconsistencies with the lighting since making this move. Specifically, sometimes I will come into a room and all the bulbs will not be at 100% light level. It seems random, sometimes they are all fine, sometimes it is one bulb, sometimes two, and not always the same bulb. When it happened, I went into the app and captured this screenshot. As you can see, all 5 bulbs were supposed to be at light level 100, but 2 were at light level 1. A nearby closet has the same issue as well as the light occasionally not turning off after the set period with no motion. Any ideas?
Are the lights already on when you enter the room or is it being triggered by motion?
Really need to see the entire RL setup to understand what might be going on.
Feels like it is probably an issue at the device level, not the RL app. Usually though the hue stuff is pretty reliable.
I find that instead of sending the same command to multiple bulbs at once, I get better results if, in the Hue app, I group those bulbs into their own room and create a scene which I can import into Hubitat and switch on and off.
Example: I have four bulbs in my bedroom ceiling fan. Instead of having Hubitat send a command to each bulb, I just turn on my "Bedroom Fan 100%" scene and let the Hue bridge take care of it. Much more reliable.
Oh! Brilliant. Did you happen to mean that you imported the room or zone? I didn't see how you could important a scene? Regardless, I just went into the Hue integration and imported the relevant room and am using that in the Room Lighting app. That seems to have the added side benefit of eliminating the "popcorn effect" of each light, lighting at a slightly different time.
Groups will definitely help with the popcorn effect for your bulbs attached to the Hue Bridge. If you want to use scenes from the Hue app, you'll need to use a community app to bring them in. There are two main ones available. I personally use [RELEASE] CoCoHue: Hue Bridge Integration (including scenes!) to bring my scenes into Hubitat. Scenes are actually the primary way I use Hue bulbs with Hubitat.
I should have stated I use CoCo Hue and as @JB10 mentioned, you can then bring your scenes in too.
Excellent, thanks! I'll check it out. Does the CoCoHue then replace the native app or do you use both at the same time?
I only use CoCoHue to bring in the bulbs, groups, and scenes I want to use in Hubitat and do not use the built in integration. Most people will only use one integration to bring want they want in.
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