RM Presence options

Hello all,

I have Life360 installed and all my family shows.

In RM, my options for my presence sensors is either present or not present

What I'm looking for is a way to articulate something like, changes to, or becomes...

Use Case:
Condition: If Presence A changes to present (meaning I just arrived home)
Action: Turn on light 1

What am I missing?


Present and not present are events, they only fire when they change states, just like a light switch.
Rule machine is event driven, things only happen when things change state. A light goes from on to off, motion goes from inactive to active, presence from not present to present.
Those are the conditions you select.
So for your case present is the condition, and that event will only fire when presence changes from not present to present, which is exactly what you are looking for.

Thanks Mike,

So if I read you correctly, if I come home, once my Presence is seen as present, my rule will trigger?

The reason I was asking is the User Manual shows Arrives and Leaves as other options which I donā€™t see, my mind was stuck on changes to and becomes

Thanks again


OK, let me run this by you, here is the Rule Iā€™m trying to build

Use Case:
When anyone arrives home
Turn on Switch: Garage Door Opener
Wait 5 mins, then turn off
If anyone is home
Door 1 is open
turn on Switch: Garage Door Opener
Wait 5 mins, then turn off

As you can see, my garage door is only activated for 5 mins when someone arrives or if someone is already home and enters the garage from the house. Otherwise my garage door opener wonā€™t work


To get started just make two rules until you get the hand of it. You can remove the presence condition from the second rule, if no oneā€™s home the doors not going to open itself, unless you have super talented petsā€¦

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Hey Mike,

The reason for the presence in the second section is this, if someone broke into the house, they wouldnā€™t be able to open the garage door for easy access and exit

How do you suggest I code for this?

put a restriction in each rule using only when mode is home, then implement all the modes you want.

I had my garage door opener plugged into a plugin appliance module and set it to turn off when away, this was in a rule that turned off all the lights ect when everyone leftā€¦

Wouldn't you want the thief to get out the house quick and away from your family members? Maybe a couple of sirens would be a better option.
Like @mike.maxwell, I use a Z-Wave plug for my garage power as well and when in sleep or away mode. The switch is off.

Actually Mikes example is better. When away, if someone breaks into our cars in the driveway, they canā€™t open the garage door. When we arrive, the power is on for 5 mins. If we are home, power is still off unless we open a door, then power is on for 5 mins, again our cars canā€™t open the door

I canā€™t seem to wrap my head around this

Any help on designing this would be appreciated


Have a look at Presence Central
This is the kind of thing I wrote it for
Can also do things if people are present/away at certain times....
You might find it useful


This didnā€™t work this way for this RM rule. I was at home so my presence didnā€™t change but the music started playing at 12:00pm. Really freaked me out!:flushed:

I only want this to happen if I come home. How would I do this?

The way your rule is written, either Jane becoming present during the time window or the time window starting while Jane is present will cause the rule to evaluate as true and the actions to run.

What you want is a trigger of Jane becoming present with a time restriction.

Ah I see. So a trigger rule. I will try that. Thanks!

For clarification...just a Trigger. Move the time window into the restriction section.

That's not true. She has an AND between the two. Both conditions will have to be true for the True action to take place if it has previously been negative. The rule evaluates a lot, whenever conditions change. But actions only take place at transitions from True to False or False to True. Not every time a condition changes.

If you want the music to play when you arrive home between time x and y then yes, use a triggered rule. The trigger will be presence changing to Present and the condition of the rule will be the timeframe. Then list all your actions under true.

Read my post again.

Okay....sorry, got caught up in your wording....took me a few times but I got it.

My point is, coming from webCoRE people are caught up by trigger and conditions. I was too...for a long time. What's more important to RM is the change from True to False. If the statement is true and something happens to cause it to remain true, nothing will happen. The true thing won't be executed again. So, a focus more on the truth transitions would make the transition form webCoRE to RM easier I think.

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She can use either a triggered rule or a trigger with restrictions in this case. Since there is no desire to have a False action I was thinking trigger with restrictions would be easier, but either would work.