RM Notification Sentence Structure?

%device% and %value% are now available in HSM and Rule Machine, in new release: Hub Update 1.1.3

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Yes, I saw that in your release notes. Looking forward to trying it out.

Thank you!!

Looks like it wasn't added to HSM "custom apps" though?

No, next release....

I just tried this out in rule machine. So far works great! Thanks for this, its kind of a big deal!

I also noticed it looks like there is now a way to disable a rule without deleting it! Big improvements!

I don't see a new option...are you referring to the Switch to Disable Rule or the Private Boolean?...those were there before the latest update.

Yes, I was referring to the Switch to Disable Rule. Didn't notice it before.

Ah, it's always been there.

This has been added in the recent hot fix release: Hub Update 1.1.3 - #3 by bravenel

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I finally got around to revising my notifications using the device and value parameters. This is exactly what I hoped for. Thank you!


Finally upgraded and tried this out--exactly what I was looking for! Now when a door opens, our British butler says "The front door opened". Thanks a bunch for implementing this!


I have a little issue when trying to send a notification from RM.
Once I've set up the Rule and saved it, it looks correct ....

But the sent message gets truncated and when I go into the Rule to check, it looks like this...

I deleted the Rule and recreated it but the issue persists. Anyone else noticed this ??

It's probably from you putting quotes in the message. Try taking those out.

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Oh, that was it.
Working as expected now.