RM 5.1.1 Required Expression bug

Attempting to use ThermostatMode with a thermostat device in a required expression causes RM to hang. Neither the Thermostat Mode nor the Cancel this Condition buttons are responsive, The only way out is abort the rule by selecting a command from the left menu.

Using CustomAttribute as a work-around has no problem:

This hangs:

This works:

Interesting. I was not able to recreate your bug. I wonder if it's possible the rule itself is corrupted? Or is this a brand new rule?

Brand new rule. No triggers or actions established. I can do it every time. Doesn't really matter to me since the work-around produces the result I wanted. Maybe a thermostat issue? Honeywell T6 Pro using the "Generic Z-Wave Plus Thermostat" driver. Not sure how the device would interact with RM however.

Weird. What version of firmware are you on?

I'm running I wonder if it's worth upgrading to see if it maybe got resolved?

I have a second C-7. Radios are all off since it just runs cloud stuff, but it's up-to-date. I'll try a virtual thermostat there and see if it works. If it does, I'll try an update here.

Sounds like a plan. I fi t doesn't we can tag Bruce and ask him. But might as well be on the current version before we bug him.

Good call. I worked fine on the up-to-date C7. I'll update this one when it's gets quiet around here. If it works (guessing it will) I'll RESOLVE this issue.

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And we can give Bruce a break :slight_smile:

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I am now running on this hub and the problem persists. With either of my Honeywell T6 Pros, I cannot use ThermostatMode == heat as a required expression. I have to use a Custom Attribute to get to it.

For sh?ts and gr?ns, I created a Virtual Thermostat on this hub and it worked! That seems to point towards the driver or some sort of interaction. As I indicated above, I have a perfectly acceptable work-around so this is a non-issue for me.

Gotcha. Odd though!

What driver are you using?

The one that I believe is recommended for T6's: Generic Z-Wave Plus Thermostat

It is. You can try the built in honeywell t6 thermostat driver though to see if your issue persists

Interesting. I changed the driver as you suggested to "Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave Thermostat", Saved, Configured, and I was able to create the required expression. Any idea why?

Weird bug with the generic driver?

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Do you have a link to the custom driver / thread?

If so, I hope they don't fix it, because otherwise it's working very well for my applications.

No, what are the differences?

Oh, are they both built-in? I was just curious to take a look at the driver you were using initially, so was after a link, but if it is also built-in, then that's ok.