Ring extenders with battery backup not so great real world experience

Just to be clear, the Ring Extenders are fine, and I agree with you about the need for the hub (and network equipment such as routers and switches) to be on UPS support, and to have graceful power shutdown for the hub before the UPS goes out. The problem is that the hub will not be fully restarted when the Ring Extender returns to mains power from its own internal battery power, so the hub will miss the “return to mains” power event from the Ring Extender, think that the Ring Extender is still on battery power, and therefore the hub will ignore the “switch to battery power” event from the Ring Extender the next time power fails.

FYI, here are my rules to refresh on startup and shutdown on power fail. The shutdown is done through Dominic Meglio’s (@dman2306’s) Hubitat Hub Controller device.

Rule Screenshots