Ring/Amazon/Alexa - who needs IFTTT? Not me

Well I like how it is integrating with Alexa. I would like to be notified via echo when doorbell rings or to use the motion for various other rules.

I have Alexa set a virtual switch on when there is motion. The virtual switch has auto off after 5 seconds. I can then use that switch in my rules.

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Well then you're in luck.

Are you familiar with how to make a virtual device in Hubitat?

Yes I can make a virtual device.

Step 1. Create a virtual switch.
Step 2. Set the autoOff on the switch to 500ms
It us now essentially a momentary switch.
Step 3. Add this switch to the list of devices in the Hubitat Alexa smartApp.
Step 4. Create a routine in the Alexa mobile app.
Use the ring doorbell in the "when this happens" section.
Use the virtual device you created in the "Add action" and set it to turn on.
Step 5. Create a rule in Hubitat that does "something" when the virtual device turns on.


This is built in to the Alexa mobile app. Bring up the bell device setting in the apps. There is an announcement toggle switch.

How do I get the ring doorbell into Alexa app? Doesnโ€™t it have to be a device from hubitat?

Are you in the US?
If so, you need to install the Ring skill in the Alexa app. If you are in the UK..sorry it's a nogo for now.
The Ring->Alexa integration is seprate from HE...and super fast..at least for me.

If you're in Canada, you can sign up for an Amazon US account. There's no need to assign a credit card to the account. Then login to that account and you'll have all the stuff Canadians can get. However, you'll have to contact Amazon if you want Canadian Amazon Prime or Unlimited Music on a US account. It's doable, if you use single sign-on, but they have to do adjustments on their backend.

Doesn't work in Canada either?
C'mon Amazon, get your schnitzel together.


It might. I don't know for sure. I've always had a US account, and certain things I've suggest to friends with Echo's has drawn a blank stare. Looked at their Echo app and realized the discrepancies.

Darn I am from Canada!

So, if you're not using Amazon music, don't shop via the Echo, and don't use "Alexa where's my stuff" then just sign up for a no credit card Amazon US account and connect your Echo to that. You'll get all the latest stuff and you'll get Pandora access too. No VPN required. You can also use Spotify Canada on US Amazon Alexa accounts with no changes from Amazon needed.

I also prefer the US Alexa voice to the Canadian Alexa voice. But I will say that the Canadian Alexa understands give'r :wink:

New question related to ring integration. Is there a way to add ring to the dashboard, even if it just a button that when pressed opens the ring app/site? Or is dashboard tiles not that advanced? Thanks

Hi all,

Just to let those who are interested know that Amazon released these options to the UK last week.

Best wishes,

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Which Amazon app are you using please...
"Amazon Alexa App"?
I look on iPhone and there are a lot of Amazon apps.

Yes, the Alexa app.
