Restrictions based on month

Thanks Andy. No rush. Summer’s not over yet!

Excellent! Works exactly as expected.

Is this August 3 schedule temporary for the alpha?

I’m glad it works ok for you too.

The other schedule is mine!
This is something that I’m adding to ALL my apps and drivers (as we don’t have github integration yet)
The app checks one of my servers once every week to see if there is an app update.
If there is an update, it will show in the logs and in the app under ‘status’ .
If you are using the latest version nothing will show.
If I have updated it, it will show ‘There is an update available’

This does NOT collect any data from your system - It just reads a json file on my server and compares the version numbers.

If you want to look at the json file, have a look here:



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try this to get rid of your 4 RM rules :slight_smile:

At the moment it is stand-alone but I am toying with the idea of including it in the 'Scheduled Switch' parent (after a rename of the parent)

I have a number of these little switch apps and might pull them all together under one parent.


Thanks Andy.

I had the exact same thought when you mentioned it, but I didn't want to ask for too much! :grin:
Should have guessed you would have already been thinking of the same thing.


I might have known :slight_smile:

OK.. I need a name..

'Simply Switching'?

Or do I carry on the theme from my other apps?

'Switch Central'

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I like Switch Central

Ok, we'll go with that then :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, you might need to recreate the current children if you have already done them

I might add one 2 many into it also - Just to pull everything together

This works great! Four RM rules now removed.

I'm not asking for this, but what if you were able to select all of the switches at once and have them auto-populate the switch fields. Or select all the switches you wanted, and automatically create child apps for each, allowing an unlimited number of switches?

I've only setup one, as you were very clear this wasn't completed. :wink:

I was trying to think of a way to do this.. I'll have a think about it - not sure it's possible though

Not at all a critical feature. One would not setup this type of thing everyday, and it takes so little time to do. Probably not worth the effort as I cannot envision a use case for more than 6 switches.

I can't remember why I made it 6 - Originally it was just for the 4 seasons.

I'm working on pulling a few of my switch apps into 'Switch Central' now

Unfortunately a user will have to install each child as well as the parent - Otherwise you get a 500 error if you try to use a child that is not installed.

Not sure I follow. You mean Switch Central will require multiple child apps?


No big deal, but maybe a support issue for you.

I'm sure I'll get a lot of "I got a 500 error" reports
But at least I'll know what it is :slight_smile:

Free app. Billable support :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have uploaded a new 'Switch Central' to github

There are now 4 files to install

  1. Switch Central - Parent.groovy
  2. Switch Central - One To Many.groovy
  3. Switch Central - Switch Changeover.groovy
  4. Switch Central - Scheduled Switch.groovy

If you have anything configured with the previous apps then I would delete them (and the app code) after you have recreated them in SC

Have a play and see what you think.


Thanks Andy. Will have a go at it later today.