Reset used hub

I own a hub C5, but when I bought it, it already had a email linked as admin.

How can I reset my hub to remove that registration. Already tried soft reset.

I can only see my hub inside "Find Hubs" but it doesn't appear inside "My Hubs"


Do you have any devices paired or any apps/rules/whatever set up on it?

Believe you need to do a full reset:

No, I was trying to start the setup when I found out.

Yes. I being looking for how to full reset but seems is not available in the :8081 anymore. Only soft reset

Try http://your.hubs.ip.address:8081/?fullui
We hid it by default so that people don't casually use a nuclear option and then realize that they have to pair all devices over again.


Thanks! Thats what im looking for.