Request: Make updated firmware alert easily dscoverable

As my vision declines I'm discovering interesting issues which will be an obstacle when I can no longer read. One of these is the little red/orange circle which is displayed on the Alerts widget.

I haven't yet done much work with brownsers on how to navigate using the tabs or other means to access various fields. And I can assure you I'm not looking for to this. Sigh. So I have no idea who to make the alerts more accessible and visible. Possible additioanl lines of text right below the "Elevate Your Home" header.

There is a community solution for this, you can push alerts to your phone or over a TTS device.

You use this driver to gather info: [RELEASE] Hub Information Driver v3

And this app can be used to push out alerts from some of the info collected, including the firmware update status. [Release] Hub Monitor


Ah, I wasn't aware of that app. That's a small part of what I was looking for but I see I didn't make my requirements very clear.

The rest of the problem is locating the Alert and acting on up by a person who can no longer read. I won't be able to click on the little red dot. I will only be able to navigate in a Windows browser using the tab key. So when I open Hubitat window I start at the upper left hand side tabbing. Which takes me down the menu items on the LHS while the text to speech processor is telling me the contents of the text boxes.

Then it tabs to the field containing my Hubitat name and then down bypassing the Alert widget.

Now I should add that I'm only starting to play with the text to speech options as I can still, barely, read however my vision is declining so I need to work on some of the issues I will be encoutnering.

Have you tried navigating the hub interface with screen reading software? There is a flag in the main settings page for enabling screen reader access.

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