Hi, Posting this as a request for someone from the community to help create an app or driver that can use this already published wonderful code and make it work with Hubitat so we can use our existing garge door openers and wouldn't have to worry about Myq subscription. This App was working great but MyQ regularly updates their API protocol making it fail.
This is a great code that eliminates the need of any subscription (MyQ) to auto open/close the garage door. Moreover it provides a lot more control over setting up the geo-fences like a polygon geo-fence which is very useful locations as cul-de-sac or house boundaries close to exit street where small circular geo-fences can't be set for obvious reasons.
This cannot be ported very easily to Hubitat. It is written in Go, not Groovy or Java. As such, it likely makes use of resources/libraries not available under Groovy.
I figured that, I was thinking if someone can use this app to send a command to hubitat to open/close or something like that. I haven't found any other code/app that worked as good as YouQ's code.
LOL, I am not a programmer neither I am I in IT. I just do it as hobby so it may take me sometime but I do see lots of people talking about node-red. I just finished setting up Docker, Teslamate & Homebrige on my Xpenology and I am quite happy with it so far. Setting up Node might take a weekend. Are there instructions anywhere on how to set-up node red for the use case I mentioned above.
BTW I tried setting up 2 geofences on Teslamate, one small one to close and another slightly larger to open and used webcore and did a quick trial. It seemingly worked. Although I think it took a little longer to close than I would have wanted, probably because of circular geofence. I'll try setting up node-red and will see how that works, Thanks.
I just use HomeLink programmed into the cars to close the garage when leaving and open it when returning. Sure, it's not as sexy as editable geo-fencing and MyQ integration, but it just works.
Yes (referring to polygonal geofences). I used to use such geofences using node-red-node-geofence. They worked very well - I could actually outline the precise streets I used to leave my house or return home.
My M3 doesn't have Homelink and also after using MyQ integration and having Garage Door open/close automatically for a while now, it feels like ancient age to use a button or remote.
Yes, It had been working very well for me (not anymore though since MyQ API broke the code). There would have been a couple of seconds difference everytime depending on how soon gps coordinates are updated but it wasn't a problem for Auto open at all since I had set the boundaries such that I am still few seconds away but in visible distance. Auto-close wasn't also as bad I have now that I am using Teslamate geo-fence and webcore rule with my Zwave go control opener.
Another issue I have with using auto-open is, gocontrol opener beeps/flashes for good 4-5 seconds before opening the door so while Hubitat is sending open command when I am still 4-5 seconds away from the door, I generally end up waiting at the door to open it :-(. as opposed to MyQ that opens without delay and only have beeps when closing which makes sense. We don't need safety delay for opening,
Hey could you please help me getting started with such set up. I plan on installing Node-Red on my NAS's docker this weekend, Any directions on how to use geo-fences ? Also you get GPS coordinates from Teslamate ? Are you able to get them in realtime ? and have node-red respond to changes without delay ?
BTW, A typical use case a house at locations (Inside the circle) similar to below if we set up a circular boundary (Homekit have 450 ft radius limitation) one would be crossing the boundary couple of time while leaving the house which is why I loved the idea of setting up Polygon geofence.
Thanks but I believe Tesla App only allows to set circular geofence which doesn't really work for certain cases like the map I posted above, Moreover, ideally I would like to set 2 separate boundaries one for leaving (shortest geofence) and closing the door and one for arrival (slightly larger geofence) to open the door but in visible distance.
How about open ? Also if there is a way that I can set 2 polygon geofences like in the code below that would be super nice. Can I put this as feature request for your code ?