Repeat after Repeat not working

Im attempting to recreate a rule published by another user a few years ago for a wakeup light ([How to] Wake up light (RuleMachine only, no scenes ect)), but I am having difficulties with the second repeat not working.

The logs show that the first repeat triggers all 20 times before moving to the second set of repeats which triggers once, before stating "Action: END-REP (waiting for next)" and not repeating again. (Note that the repeat time period is a few seconds only for testing purposes)

Hoping someone far smarter can point me in the right direction to fix this rule.

Yeah, appears to be a bug with that. For now, a workaround is to use two rules, with only the second repeat in the second one, and run that from the first one. I'll find the problem for the next release.

As a work around, adding a 1 to 2 second Wait before the second repeat will allow it to work.

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This bug has been found, fixed, and will be in the 2.3.8 release.


Amazing, thank for your the quick response!

This worked! Thanks for the workaround!