Repair failed node neighbor discovery (report failed)

Hi all,

I’m getting this error from one device, I’m 100% sure this device passed a repair before but for some reason it’s not now. It works perfectly without delay and has switched routes to a closer device a week ago.

Should I exclude and include or just leave well enough alone ?

I got this same thing this morning working with a fussy iblind. No feedback at all to the OP?

If it's zwave can you post your zwave details page?

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Sure. World's longest image thread below!

Those devices with no routes in them are likely causing you grief. They're probably ghosts left over from a failed inclusion. There are lots and lots of threads about removing ghosts but basically you have to figure out what the physical device that created the ghost is, make sure it is not reachable (powered off, battery disconnected, or out of range) and see if you can get HE to remove it by repeatedly pressing repair. Once you get rid of them all I think your zwave reliability will improve.

The tricky part is figuring out what physical device the ghost represents. In many cases it's the next device in line. For instance your device 6 may very well be a ghost of device 7. I would try removing power from device 7 and then try to get device 6 to remove.

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I've managed to get rid of every single one except device 6. Does matching the device class matter when trying to locate the matching real device?

You have just exceeded my zwave expertise (such as it is) but I think the device class is communicated to the hub in a node information frame during the inclusion process. If that were the case I would think yes it would matter. In other words I think you are probably looking for another device of the same device class.

And therein lies the rub: I killed power to every single matching entry and nada, zip, zero... it did not remove

Did you give it lots of clicks? sometimes it takes a while. Another trick folks recommend is to shut down the hub safely, pull the plug (from the wall, not the hub) for a min or so to give the zwave radio time to reset, and restarting. Of course maybe my device class theory is incorrect... sigh.

Out of curiosity did you try removing power from node 7? If it's a wall switch that will mean popping the breaker or air gapping it...

I did - luckily that one is a plug-in deal.

Hmmm ok. Well... if you still cant get rid of the ghost node there are a couple of possibilities.

(1) The device still has power and can communicate with the hub, in which case you won't be able to remove it until you identify the device, power it down, or get it out of range.

(2) Even though the device is powered off or out of range the hub still can't get rid of it.

If (1) you can try powering down other devices and see if you can get the thing to remove, or you can get the hub far enough away from your house so that it can't reach the device.

If (2) then you will need to attempt the zwave stick method, described in detail here:

But first... let's see if maybe others can offer some advice. @rlithgow1 @neonturbo anything I may have missed?


I think Brad is on point with his recommendations.

The only other thing I would do is simply wait a few hours to overnight and try again. I think that sometimes the hub is so busy doing cleanup and other tasks that it gets "stuck" if you try to do too many removals at one time.

The Z-stick method just works though, and sometimes it is the quickest and easiest way.

If I'm reading all of this correctly, I have to know which live device this is a ghost of and turn that off. Does the device class steer me correctly there or is that not always accurate?

Not turn it off. Disconnect it from power. Like yank the plug, remove the battery, shut off the breaker, etc.



Remove power to them all. Shut down the hub from the settings menu. Remove power from the wall (not the hub) for 20 mins. Power back up, leave other stuff off and then try the remove again. (you may have to click refresh a couple of times) If this still doesn't work, you will need a z-wave stick paired as a secondary controller to remove. This is what I was trying to check on your details is the fact that these ghosts are killing your system. I would also re pair all the other devices with s2 unauthenticated and s0 with no security (except for door locks and garage stuff) This will help your mesh as well.


Remove the s2?

The consensus is for many devices that level of security isn't needed and adds overhead. For locks, garage doors, security devices, different story.

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Yes, unless it's a lock or garage door opener. There really isn't any need to encrypt most stuff and it's overhead on the mesh. Everytime you add an encrypted device it's more overhead. So just with what's needed, leave everything else at none.

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Not to hi-jack the thread, but I'm seeing a very similar thing. 99% sure my device 65 is a failed GE Jasco switch. I had a power outage (rare for me) and the switch died. When I called support to RMA it, they commented these early generation switches do not play nicely with power outages. I am not sure what device 1A is. And there are no devices above or below that make sense to be a ghost of that. My next device is 1D, which is a battery powered window sensor.

Anyway, I have been able to get the Remove button to appear after a few Repairs of the device. And when I click Remove, the Logs show SDK failure node is no longer in the failed no list, but they never get removed. It stays with a Pending status. Is the Z-Wave stick method my only option at this point. I've clicked Remove 10+ times. I've been pretty diligent about making sure there were no ghosts as I migrated off my Vera. Until recently I didn't have any. But I'm now starting to see one device here or there not turn on/off when expected. Leading me to hunt for Ghosts.

The complete list...