1. (I removed the bug report about case sensitivity on sort and am replace it with bug in not trimming leading and trailing whitespace on names)
I should be able to rename in the devices view. (request)
It would be nice to able to edit attributes in the table view. Having go into each device view one by one by one by one by one by one by one (yeah, when you have over 200 devices like I do it's a royal...)
I should be able to add a device by cloning a row and editing the differences. Perhaps with automatic naming by adding or updating a digit. This makes inline editing even more vital
3+4. Group editing of all entries.
The ability to update the IP address through the API if we can't get DNS support (and MAC address linking rather than the IP address for this millisecond). (V6 link local but too few devices support it)
I don’t think so. I think OP is saying that device name sorting is affected by whether the first letter is capitalized. But he wants it to not be affected by capitalization.
However as I mentioned, I have not noticed this (and just did a quick test).
I found the bug. I had pasted the text from the clipboard and the name had leading spaces. The bug is that the name is not trimmed automatically on input
100% agree, and use that undocumented feature regularly. Could live without it, but still.
No, it is not. At least not in my opinion, as I use that feature. Your opinion, obviously, may differ. In the mean time it is 100% in your control whether you choose to use leading or training white spaces - OR NOT - right?
So there is really no functional issue, just a usability preference.
No it isn't. And putting it in BOLD, saying it multiple times, or adding "period." does not change that.
It is a PREFERENCE. At best you can argue it isn't consistent with "programming or UI norms", and I would actually agree with that, but that's about it.
How is it used? Indentation of device names in long lists of device names. Again, feel free NOT TO put white spaces in your names, though. No one is stopping you.
Not going to argue about it any more though. You stated your opinion, and the right guy (Mike) saw it. Up to Hubitat whether they change the existing behavior or not - I'll live either way (I could switch to .... or --- for a prefix if I had to, even though that is a lot uglier).
I can see you feel strongly about it, but I’m still not understanding why it’s a bug, since we’re not talking about a programming language, or anything that’s standardized really. We’re talking about a list of device names.
I mentioned the possibility that some users might actually prefer to include a leading or trailing space.
And the very next post was from a user that does just that.
So why the insistence that your preference is valid, and others’ is not?
All kidding aside, I respect that his opinion is different, and that's OK and I support him (and any other user) expressing their opinion and requesting a change.
I'm just playing Devil's Advocate on whether it is a "bug" or not. I don't think it is - it is just different, but serves a purpose in being different.
Yes, I know Unicode and did, in fact, try "Pantry1x 方思腾" as a name. But this is about human factors and not bit strings. At very least if you want spaces in names you must display them.
But this is a professional opinion and there are places for significant spaces but this is not one of them
In the example I showed I didn't see indentation. We recognized the problem with whitespace in the 60s but, alas, every accidental property will find those who depend on them. But, in this case, it did case a problem in making the sort perverse. Those names are also used in apps and Alexa and lurk elsewhere.