Reliability of "compatible" locks

Sure I can... may not win. I don't even have any locks that I use... so why am I even involved???? :slight_smile: I didn't start a discussion about locks but it sure turned into one. damn.


You are leaving out that both Wink and Vera did particular Schlange only fixes to the z-waze implementations and drivers.

HE hasn't done that yet, and one would argue if they even should v.s. newer model Schlange, or totally different brands that are less of a hassle.

I say this as someone who has struggled with Schlage on both Wink and HE (Wink up until they made fixes for the old model, but don't support the new one) and have gotten HE into a super reliable state finally after a lot of work.

I love the locks, but I'd prefer HE focused on other areas and newer Schlage locks if I were them.


Is anybody actually certain that all these other platforms actually did do Schlage only fixes? Have we seen something anywhere where one of the Dev's from ST, Wink, Vera or anywhere else has come out and said it, or are we just assuming they did something custom?

If the other platforms have gone public to say they had to do this, it should be as simple as asking "Hey, what did you guys have to do?" or approaching Schlage and saying "What did you tell all these other guys to change so we can do it as well to support our users". If it's been done on so many other platforms, the road map to fix it should be readily available.


I agree 100%!! I too am curious if HE has taken this approach to see if they can replicate with ST or Wink has done by reaching out to Schlage or communicate with one of the other developers to find out what was done. If the others can do it, why can't Hubitat or anyone else?!

You mean you have 5 Schlage locks operating just fine on SmartThings without a single repeater involved with them?

Odd, I keep hearing "a proper mesh" is needed

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Wink tech support (which was good at the time) indicated that their issues with Schlage locks were fixed in January/February of 2015. That's about 5 years ago.

A cursory search reveals lots of Wink users with Schlage lock issues.

5/11 posts to r/winkhub (on Reddit) complaining about Schlage lock issues date to less than 1 year. The others range from 2-4 years.

Of the 10 FB posts linked to above, 2 are within the last year (2019), 3 are from 2018, 3 are from 2017 and 1 from 2016. All of which date to after Wink fixing their Schlage lock issues.

So, while I do believe that the Schlage/Wink changes dramatically improved Schlage lock behavior under Wink, issues similar to those encountered under HE clearly persist.

I'm not leaving out that Hubitat has not did particular Schlage only fixes, that is obvious and not needed to be stated.

I pray for the day this platform only has 10 posts about this within a 4 year period.


I have 5 Schlage locks and 8 ADT contact sensors on that hub. No mesh. In fairness, the panel for the hub sits on the wall right in between the front door and the garage entry door. The furthest lock would be about 80ft in a straight line through a few walls and doors.

@aaiyar I don't think anybody would argue saying there's never an issue on any platform. But there are significantly more issues on this one. You can search the ST boards and find some, but considering the assumed significantly larger user base of ST, there aren't nearly as many reports of issues.

There must be a reason why HE isn't willing to go to the same lengths as all of their competitors to support a product by one of if not the biggest brand in locks in the world. Especially when all the competitors have shown that a fix is available.


I think it's small sq ft installation, ones which dont have have a mesh per say, ie all devices connected to the hub mabey it swamps the hub without the mesh to buffer it...?

Looking at both my z-wave mesh connections and zigbee 95% of devices link straight to the hub (as well as each other)

My experience is the HE antenna is much less powerful than Wink to and the ST in terms of range. Wink gave me a ton of fits with my Locks, but I also never installed repeaters as they "sometimes worked" and I figured it was a Wink issue not a range thing.

If there's a a fix, it definitely isn't universal.

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I believe Mike has already stated that they reached out to Schlage and they had no interest in partnering with HE. You can read into that what you will but anything you come up with, will be an assumption (and probably one that only serves to soldify whatever POV you already hold).

As Mike as also stated, this has been discussed ad nauseam (love that term btw) and I personally don't believe any magic fix is coming.

The way I see it is, if you have a Schalge lock, you have 2 real options.

  1. spend the time to learn, test and troubleshoot building your mesh to get these working reliably.
  2. get a different lock and move on. Your life and wife will have less strife. (Point is also valid if option 1 yield unsatisfactory results).

If these options don't work, and you REALLY need to keep this annoying device in your life...then maybe Hubitat is not for you.

All the energy spent speculating on why HE hasn't fixed this yet could be better spent on....anything else really.
This is my not so humble opinion. I think the horse was dead before this thread started beating it. :man_shrugging:


Yup... Time to accept that the XYZ doesn't work with HE. So.. replace XYZ or replace HE but the show is over the horse is now dog food!


If Schlage was truly willing to work with ST, Wink, Vera, and all these other platforms except for HE, whatever their reason may be, that should be a red flag to more users than just me.

"Build your mesh" when a user is coming from another platform with a fully functioning mesh already and suddenly has issues or "buy a new lock" aren't solutions they're dismissals. I could go out and buy 5 new zigbee locks at over $1,000 cost to me. But unfortunately it wouldn't stop there since my entire network is zwave. So then I need to get a hole bunch of zigbee repeating devices because there's no way I'm covering 5,000sq ft with 1 hub and 5 locks.

You talk about less strife, try explaining to the wife you need to go spend thousands to buy the exact same locks you already own that speak french instead of english and tell me how that conversation goes.

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I hear you. Not trying to convince you one way or the other. Just saying what I think is best...just an opinion. I've been here long enough and have seen these threads come and go...MANY times (ad nauseum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). The end result is the same.

Build mesh to support the lock (what I did initially and worked well on HE).
Buy different lock (zwave or zigbee or other).
Buy/use different hub that does not have this issue.

My locks are on Home Assistant now- guess what..they had problems with missed events and severe battery drain. I started with the process of trying to get them working...then realized I had already spent the time getting them going on HE...and decided it was just better to go with the zigbee version. BEST thing I could have done.
Not saying you should do the same but if this automation thing ever gets to a point of frustration that I can't buy my way out of....then I'm done with the whole endeavor. It's supposed to make life easier, not more stressful.


Loving it.


What worries me is people thinking they should be able to just rip and replace a hub for another hub and everything will work exactly as expected.
That has not been true for me with Wink 2, ST nor HE.

I'm a Smart Home novice, but I at least understood that each system has it's quirks and was willing to spend time to make each one work as I migrated and tried new things.


I've not talked to them, and right now dont really have the time to track this down with them.
If they contact us or me with the solution we'll implement it...