I wrote this because I have lots of the above switches and some don't work with OlaLabs generic driver and some don't work with internal generic drivers.
This driver allows me to use the same driver for all of my relays.
And has a standard report for all my switches with better logs.
Corrected cluster 5 problems. Added support for sonoff switch and tiny relay.
I still need fingerprints for other devices that you get to work.
If your having problems with drop outs try this driver. Also in HPM
I started using this driver for some Sonoff ZBMini Extreme L2 modules. I found using the generic driver sometimes was out of state sync with the hub as mentioned in the notes in the driver.
I think this driver works better - thank you!
I have noticed errors in the logs for all the modules that I have moved over.
My process for moving over is to change the driver to Device - Press the buttons to remove states etc and then select this driver - I have pressed the option to "Resend Last State on Refresh"
This error was confirmed in another post I found but was attributed to the driver and not the platform.
I am getting the same errors as you. The relay is so inconsistant. I thought grabbing this driver would work, but I still have the same issues/warnings. Did you get it to work?
Driver has been updated. cluster5 was not being seen on my devices so i didn't
notice that, Its been upgraded so future errors wont warn but be under debugging. |
I still need fingerprints for you devices that you find will work.