New Unknown Cluster Warning - should I be worried about this?


I have installed several ZBMINI-L2 relays using the Zigbee Sonoff - generic relays driver here.

I find the relay is constantly getting a warning entry in the log that says:

swHallway : New unknown Cluster0005 Detected: [raw:catchall: 0000 0005 00 00 0040 00 E9A4 00 00 0000 00 00 470000, profileId:0000, clusterId:0005, clusterInt:5, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:E9A4, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[47, 00, 00], cluster:0005]

Is this something I should be concerned with? How do I go about getting rid of this problem?

Thanks for everyone's help on this.

@mike.maxwell :arrow_up:

This is an issue with the custom driver being used.


It's happening a lot to me and filling my log page from this device haha.

I don't think this cluster is so important, since the on/off features are working fine. I just has a problem about unpair sometimes.

I'm using Zigbee - Sonoff - generic Relays/Outlets from tmastersmart

Which driver is being used with this device?

Hi, Mike.

I'm using Zigbee - Sonoff - generic Relays/Outlets, from tmastersmart. It's running with version 1.7.4 03/30/2023.

I've reverted to using the Generic Zigbee Switch driver which stopped the error from popping up again. One thing I found is that when I introduced Tuya Zigbee Plugs into my mess is when this errors started popping up.

The Tuya plug is also seemingly what's responsible for my Sonoff ZBMini-L2s dropping from the mesh when the switch routes through them running as a repeater.

Thankfully I had a HA setup as well, so I moved my Tuya stuff to HA and avoided dealing with this problem now.

It is not necessary this warning to be shown in the logs - you can try to contact the author of the driver, asking him to hide this warn message.

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Seems like there is some incompatibility between the Tuya plugs and the Sonoff switches…

All my Tuya Zigbee plugs are excellent Zigbee repeaters, I have a lot of battery-powered devices which are using them as routers. But I have no Sonoff switches.

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The Sonoff zbmini-l2 seems very particular about the repeater it talks to. There isn't much option though, I'm not exactly spoilt for choice when it comes to small footprint no neutral relays.

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Is there a way of forcing these modules to use certain repeaters (and not others) or turning off the repeating capability of specific devices to try to identify the problematic devices and establish a more reliable operation?

Its just a new cluster its counting something, The next version will fix that so unknown clusters get ignored. Do you have fingerprint for ZBMINI-L2 relays so i can add detection for that