If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
They don't need to be powered on.
That button has nothing to do with Zigbee, please don't click it
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
They don't need to be powered on.
That button has nothing to do with Zigbee, please don't click it
I generally try to live by that theory. . Everything works fine. Just trying to think outside the box or bring things up so people that may be having issues can get ideas. However, it appears that "unknown" devices aren't their issues as I assume most people with a zigbee mesh will have some, had some that dropped off on their own, or simply don't know they have them.
That is exactly why I ask someone with way more knowledge than me before I "just go clicking".
One other question. Since the unknown devices are coming off repeaters/routers when they are replaced for whatever reason the unknown should go away, or at least in theory. Or are they still connected to the hub?
Zigbee repeaters keep an "internal list" of other nearby repeaters that are in radio range; they use this internal list for routing Zigbee messages.
When you remove a repeater device from the Hubitat user interface (the red button), the following things happen:
Seems like step 4 does not always happen: either the remaining repeaters don't learn about the departure, or they don't do a very good job at maintaining their internal list. When the Zigbee Map app asks the remaining repeaters for their internal list, some still return the leaving repeater as part of their list (the Zigbee short address). The Zigbee Map app sees that the hub knows nothing about this Zigbee short address, and paints them as "Unknown".
Seems like having the internal list of some repeaters not quite up-to-date with reality, does not impact the Zigbee network performance, so my advice is to leave it be, unless you encounter problems
Hope this helps!
Thank you. That is an excellent explanation and definitely helps me understand. It appears that in my case item 4 has been the failure point. They are battery and powered devices (I think) that were removed for different reasons and the repeater didn't clear them from its data. The one that came up yesterday was a bulb that that blinked as it joined the network but the hub never found it for some reason. I think it is a bulb issue as regardless how many times I turn it on and off it will not go back into pairing mode. Crap happens sometimes. The map shows it fell off the network sometime in the night so one unknown is gone.
Not sure why this is happening, but I can't install the app.
https://codeberg.org/dan-danache/hubitat/raw/branch/main/zigbee-map-app/packageManifest.json does not appear to be a valid Hubitat Package or does not exist.
My HPM version is 1.9.3.
Could you folks please help me find out what's going wrong?
No idea why this is happening to you. I just uninstalled and reinstalled the app without any problem. Can you try again, maybe it was a temp network fail?
What do you see when you load that URL in your browser (hopefully a JSON)?
Nope, same error!
The JSON looks good to me.
It looks like a timeout or something.
Skip download of https://codeberg.org/dan-danache/hubitat/raw/branch/main/zigbee-map-app/packageManifest.json: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to codeberg.org:443 [codeberg.org/, codeberg.org/2a0a:4580:103f:0:0:0:0:1] failed: Network is unreachable (connect failed) Please notify the package developer.
the ping fails, and the traceroute seems not to be able to reach codeberg,org
(I can't post images)
(I can't post images)
Join the Owner's Group and you'll be able to post images, etc.
the ping fails, and the traceroute seems not to be able to reach codeberg,org
Sounds like whatever DNS server your hub is using, is not resolving that domain.
Try to ping some other domain, like github.com
What do your network settings looks like for DNS?
I thought it was related to my ISP, but it turns out it is related to my router. It is blocking codeberg.org. It is super odd, though, coz it has the default config setup
Then how did you go to that site from a browser? Unless you were using cellular data.
If the router has any sort of parental control filters or malware protection you may need to exclude the hub from it.
Also you can try setting the DNS override to:,
which is Cloudflare and Google.
If you set those in the override then the Hub will not use the router provided DNS anymore, it will go straight to those DNS servers.
Just some info. I had three "unknown" zigbee devices. I updated the firmware for the repeater they were showing attached to. When I ran the zigbee map after the update the "unknown" zigbee devices are gone. It must have cleared the data table from the repeater. If anyone asks about this in future you can suggest that as a possible solution.
Minor UI request: can the selection of "Show link particles = OFF": be made sticky, so that I don't have to turn it OFF every time I run the app?