[RELEASE] Zigbee Map app

So that change will enable things like the Sonoff USB dongles, and the tiny Tuya repeaters, etc. Nice.

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Yes indeed. I just did what Dan suggested above and can now see the Sonoff dongles. This is a lifesaver for PITA devices that only pair and stay connected when they pair with specific devices. Not sure what sorcery this is, but it seems like it should be built in.


The only thing I worry about if this was built into HE is certain OCD peeps (and we know these people exist) going nuts w/this capability and trying to force all their Zigbee devices to pair through certain repeaters that end up not being optimal, and fubar-ing their Zigbee network. :scream: :slight_smile: Having this in a community app/slightly harder to find may limit the collateral damage from folks "over-managing" their mesh. Sort of a take on the old power corrupts saying. :wink:


That is true. Some people would take it to the extreme.


Does anyone know what would cause this error:

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Looks like you are trying to load the app via cloud and the Zigbee websocket is not available there. I don't have remote access so cannot test this though.

I just installed using package manager 1.9.3 and hub version

I see three htm file in file manager:
Zigbee. Neighbors.htm
Zigbee. Routes.htm

(I'm typing the names by memory, may not be exact)

However, under Apps, there is no Zigbee Map app

You installed the code via HPM, but did you click the button on the apps page to actually install the app to the apps list?

Haha, thanks! Didn't see that mentioned. I figured it would automatically install.

Am I correct that it won't run over remote access? I happen to be away from my home at the moment and it just goes back to the app page... But I think I saw mention of it not working on remote connect. (Which is fine with me :slight_smile:

Check you list of apps. It should be at the bottom of the list.

My problem was as @jtp10181 noted above. All works correctly now. Thanks.