[RELEASE] Zigbee Map app

have you tried going to devices and clicking the red circles ?


Those devices do not have the red circles. Only the devices which routes are not shown have the red circle.

I have found that if you click them .. it jump starts finding things ..
also .. if you open the devices and go and turn on/off what ever device is not being found
while .. maps is searching .. sometimes it will also jump start it to find them.
Anyway .. just what I have found that works for me ..


^^^^^^^^ I just Clicked red basement light and now found :slight_smile:
Found others too as noted ..

Yeah its odd, I was just not sure exactly what was meant by "Interview Failed." Because it seems as if the devices are found, just that a full query of the routes was not possible maybe? I tried also refreshing the devices, but this did not help.


^^^^^^^ no red = found

^^^^ not found ..

Sorry maybe we are talking different things I get lost easy ( old fart ) LOL

This is what I was referring to, sorry lol.

OH .. Ok well thats just a legend .. showing the different colors ..
do you have a LOT of that color ? on your map ?
Post map here ..

But generally, when I have found that something isn't being interviewed, you will get that Red Circle.
Like the ones that I was showing you. And if you. and if you click on them and do what I said, it generally will find them.

I posted the map in couple posts above, you can see there is only 3 devices that are colored magenta. All three of those devices are the same model RGB controller.

They are all GLEDOPTO GL-C-008P Zigbee 3.0 RGB controllers.

Just saw that :slight_smile: Again OLD .. LOL
do you have ANY red image

In the image < device tab ??

Sorry other then that .. I have no suggestions .. maybe dandanache has a idea ?
This MAP thing really is just a good tool to help you see whats up with your network.
It's definitely not perfect perfect, but it works most of the time. Very well.

Yeah I have a number of devices that do not show up, all battery ones. They are prob just sleepy, so it does not show the route. All of those devices show activity though and work fine.

Its just the "Interview Failed" ones are throwing me off, as this seems to indicate some kind of compatibility issue maybe with the way the Zigbee protocol is handled with those devices. But this is just my guess, as I do not have enough insight into the Zigbee protocol.

The app is querying (aka "interviewing") the devices for the information that it then uses to build the map.

  1. The "Zigbee Neighbors Map" is asking for Link Quality (Mgmt_Lqi_req). The Zigbee PRO specs says that:

    Upon receipt, a Remote Device (ZigBee Router or ZigBee Coordinator) shall retrieve the entries of the neighbor table and associated LQI values via the NLME-GET.request primitive (for the nwkNeighborTable attribute) and report the resulting neighbor table (obtained via the NLME-GET.confirm primitive) via the Mgmt_Lqi_rsp command.

    Prior to revision 21 of this specification, server processing of this command was optional. Additionally end devices were not required to support the command. As a result some devices may return NOT_SUPPORTED.

    If a device does not respond with a "Mgmt_Lqi_rsp" command (with SUCCESS status), that device is colored with magenta. From the wording above, looks like devices were not required to implement this function prior to Zigbee 3.0 (R21).

  2. The "Zigbee Routing Map" is asking for Routing Info (Mgmt_Rtg_req). The Zigbee PRO specs says that:

    Upon receipt, a Remote Device (ZigBee Coordinator or ZigBee Router) shall retrieve the entries of the routing table from the NWK layer via the NLME-GET.request primitive (for the nwkRouteTable attribute) and report the resulting routing table (obtained via the NLME-GET.confirm primitive) via the Mgmt_Rtg_rsp command.

    If the Remote Device does not support this optional management request, it shall return a Status of NOT_SUPPORTED.

    If a device does not respond with a "Mgmt_Rtg_rsp" command (with SUCCESS status), that device is colored with magenta.

The "interview" might also fail if the device does not respond in time (25 sec for the Neighbors Map and 15 sec for the Routing Map). If you are on a desktop device, you can re-interview any device by right-clicking on its node, colored with magenta. Or reload the map, that should also do it.

Devices may fail to implement the two functions above but this does not means that they don't perform their primary function properly. Probably the vendor chose to cut corners and skip implementing them. I will try to steer away from such vendors, maybe they also cut some more important corners like in regards to safety; but this is just my paranoia speaking :slight_smile:

I still have 2 x MiBoxer FUT035Z+ and 2 x SONOFF ZBMINI devices that refuse to send their Routing Info. I already replaced all my SONOFF SNZB-01 buttons just because they were "bad children" to their parent devices, although they were working just fine.


@dandanache Thanks for the explanation, I would not be surprised that these devices just lack the support for those particular ZIgbee 3.0 commands.

Thanks for this awesome tool though, really helps with troubleshooting the mesh and its just cool to see an overall picture of the mesh.

I have had some Iris V2 motion/contacts sensors randomly stop responding after being fine for years and then finding the batteries drained. I would replace the batteries and then only a month later the batteries in those devices would be drained again.

So I have been trying to track down the issue. I had one Iris V2 motion that was eating batteries and i replaced it with a different sensor in the same place and there has been no issues.

I am starting to wonder if some of these sensors are just starting to fail. I have also tried resetting the devices, but it still ends up eating the battery. I have had them for years and generally most of them have been fine and the batteries last like 1.5-2yrs.

The last devices I added were the Zigbee 3.0 RGB controllers, so that is why I was also looking into that as a protentional issue as well, since they are repeaters.

So I've tried "rebooting" devices that have routes to unknown devices but I still have 5 unknowns. It bugs me, though people say ignore them. Is there a surefire way to get rid of these? Searched the thread here, didn't find a good solution.

I think the only sure fire way to get rid of unknowns is to reset and rejoin the routing device. This will clear all devices in its routing table, so it may not do great things for devices actually routing through it.
Edit: I have noticed that the unknowns do eventually get cleared out.

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I am running two C8 hubs. Does this app show "hub mesh enabled" devices across those hubs?

No. This shows the Zigbee mesh only. "Hub mesh" is not the same thing.

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I've definitely seen that w/some of my older Iris v3/v3 devices, and a few of my Visonic MCT-340 contacts (the old super skinny ones). I've had a few of them start munching batteries, or stop reporting. Reset/rejoin has sometimes helped, sometimes not. They are pretty old...and the occassional drop probably hasnt' helped. :wink:

Ok, I am probably beating a dead horse here. But I have LOTS of yellow in my map. I feel like things are working okay. I have occasional dropouts and failed commands. But looking at this map, I feel like things could be better. The core of my mesh is mains outlets (Enbrighten Zigbee 43102, 3 of them) and various plugs...

, 2 of these

, 4 of these

, 5 of these

But all of this is spread out over 3 floors in a 4,500 sqf house. My hub is a C8 mid-house on the second floor. Do I need more repeaters? I have two C7 hubs not in use that I could place in the periphery. Or, just leave this alone. Suggestions welcome.